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| Torstaina, 7. heinäkuuta, 2005 - klo 8.50: | | Niin se ***vettikin jäätyy... Jos miettii BBRV:n sanailua Terrasoftin Teron-hankkeen jälkeen. Huonosti kävi Teron-Linuxille ja nyt Terrasoft esittelee Pegasosta ratkaisuksi... Pegasos I:stähän piti alunperin tulla vastaava laite, mutta MAIn Teron tuli viemään bisnestä... Olisi hauska kaivaa ANNista tms. silloisia BBRV:n, Hermansin yms. kumppaneiden kommentteja aiheesta.
| Torstaina, 7. heinäkuuta, 2005 - klo 9.36: | | Tylsää kun oli (kesäloma, yäk) niin kaivelin... BBRV: ”December 2002 -- The week before the Pegasos is launched at the Aachen Show our US based Linux partner, TerraSoft (that we have an agreement with to distribute the Pegasos in the USA), announces that they will carry the Teron instead -- in complete collusion with Mai. We were double crossed! We had signed the LOI! We helped Mai and Mai turned around and stabed us in the back. TerraSoft too. Hence, the April announcement. We produce 200 April1 Pegasos boards.” BBRV:n legendaarinen viesti: BBRV: "The is no Mai without April. The Articia does not work as promoted. There. We have said it. (...) If YDL [eli Terrasoft] sets off on their current course, they will "crash and burn" in a month after they finally introduce the product. The Linux market is unforgiving when it comes to hardware bugs. With all the success they will seem to achieve their liability will grow correspondingly. (...) " Hermans: "Terrasoft and YDL are not our enemy. In fact, Hyperion is doing the port of Linux PPC so that Terrasoft can sell the Mai hardware in the Linux market. We will all benefit from increased economies of scale if more hardware is produced regardless where it is sold. (...) I would also like to add that the bug in the Articia S is far less severe than most people seem to think. If you stop and think for a while, this makes perfect sense. It it were a truly crippling bug, Mai would have detected it themselves. They did afterall build those evaluation boards and had TurboLinux running on it. Incidentally, we're not experiencing any difficulties with USB anymore under Linux." Myös tätä ketjua on ihan mielenkiintoista lukea: Hermans: "You're an idiot. We've been working with Tom Gall from IBM for ages now. I can assure you that Hyperion & Co were indeed contracted by Mai and Eyetech to have Linux PPC SuSe running on the Teron CX/PX/A1." Hermans: ">Maybe there is no need to have it fixed with the April chip. >Or maybe Eyetech will have a solution when OS4 ships. We will know soon or later. I think we will know sooner rather than later. I have a lot of confidence in people who have been in the chipset designing business since 1995 and have attracted over tens of millions USD in venture capital. " Redhouse: ”Meanwhile Hyperions work on PPCBoot and linux has allowed the Teron reference boards to get to a level where they can be usefully sold in the Linux Market. As most on this list will know we have the rights to distribute these boards in Europe and now Terrasoft do in the US. (We also have distribution rights on the Teron based designs for the Amiga marker worldwide). This has knackered Thendics plans for world domination of the PPC Linux market.” --- No MAI without April? Redhouse 2002: "This has knackered Thendics plans for world domination of the PPC Linux market." Terrasoft 2005: "Open Desktop Workstation [eli Pegasos] is the only Linux PowerPC solution available on the market today endorsed by both IBM and Freescale Semiconductor." Vähän myöhässä... ja kaiken sen metelin jälkeen myös BBRV ilmeisesti palasi pöytään Terrasoftin kanssa, business is business... Niin se maailma muuttuu. Vielä kun osuisi silmiin BBRV:n sitaatteja Terrasoftista. Taisivat olla vähemmän mairittelevia.
| Torstaina, 7. heinäkuuta, 2005 - klo 10.19: | | Janne; Tunnustan etten odottanut enää näkeväni yhteistyötä Genesi-Terrasoft linjalla niiden 2002/2003 tapahtumien jälkeen. Mutta näemmä maailma muuttuu ja kuinkas sattuikaan hassusti.. että Terrasoftin nykyinen tuotelinja romahti käsiin Applen johtajan ilmoittaessa etteivät enää (siirtymäajan jälkeen) tee PPC-maccejä. En muista kuinka paljon BBRV ollsi julkisesti haukkunut Terrasoftia, poislukien tuo Joulukuussa 2002 mainittu sopimusrikkomus, eiköhän heidän kriittisen kommentointinsa kohteena ollut Mai+kumppanit jotka yrittivät vetää välistä. Noiden Jannen poimimien ketjujen lukemisesta olisi opiksi ainakin muutamalle Saku-foorumilla kirjoittelevalle ihan yksinkertaisesti sen vuoksi että huomaisivat kuinka paljon *puutaheinää* heille on vuosien varrella koetettu näiden 'suurten johtajien' tahoilta syötetty. Yhdestä ketjusta löysin oman kommenttini joka mielestäni (kokonaisuudesta irroitettunakin) kertoo aika paljon näkemyksestäni. "Eyetech Reply to BBRV open post. : Comment 251 of 275 Posted by JoannaK ( on 05-Dec-2002 18:43:42 In Reply to Comment 248 (redrumloa): Yeah.. Each week shows something NEW and *exciting* turns on this ongoing Saga. It's been amazingly interesting to watch all ths backstabbing, lying etc. going on and on. It's some time ago developed into position where the actual product has lost being main interest. It's more like interactive enterntaiment to all attending. "
| Torstaina, 7. heinäkuuta, 2005 - klo 10.28: | | Hienoa historiaa
| Torstaina, 7. heinäkuuta, 2005 - klo 10.38: | | Tässä oli jotain BBRV:tä täältä foorumilta: "Motorola has chosen to receive the first Open Desktop Workstations with Yellow Dog Linux installed, as well as Debian and of course MorphOS. After our shared terrible experience with the Articia and Mai, we have come to terms with Kai Staats of Terra Soft and had a good discussion with him this past Friday. You can expect to see Genesi, Motorola and Terra Soft teaming up soon to bring the Open Desktop Workstation to the embedded systen development market." 1097250855 Täällä BBRV:tä vuodelta 2003 pientä Terrasoftiin liittyen (varsinaista ketjua en löytänyt johon BBRV viittaa "in December"): BBRV: "MarkTime, we appreciate you starting this thread. It did take TerraSoft a little time to understand they posted the wrong picture… But, their pricing is good. We did mention here on this site (in December) that the TerraSoft pricing would eventually put some pressure on this market. There will be more pressure soon…" topic_id=6170&forum=8&viewmode=flat&order=ASC&start=20 Löytyipä myös Helgis vuosimallia 2003: "The problem has been that Bill Buck, along with BPlan/Genesi, have been serving lies about the AmigaOne and OS4. Amiga Inc with Hyperion and Eyetech are clearing this out, and will put and end to the Bill Buck-inspired lies. Bill Buck and BPlan/Genesi are very scared now because they know their lies are about to be exposed really soon, and then they will look like a bunch of big fools! If you want truth, then Amiga Inc, Hyperion and Eyetech are the only one to listen to..." No niin, se niistä kesälomauusinnoista tältä erää.
| Torstaina, 7. heinäkuuta, 2005 - klo 11.54: | | Helgis on aina Helgis Harmi että moni muukin ajattelee samoin sen sijaan että käyttäisivät aivojaan. Vaan kyllä BBRV on ylittänyt omatkin odotukseni.
| Torstaina, 7. heinäkuuta, 2005 - klo 12.14: | | Terra Softhan julkaisi jo aiemmin Freescalen kustantaman board support package-version YDL:stä Pegasokselle.