Hyvä analyysi bbrv:stä

Saku-foorumi » Uusi sukupolvi: MorphOS » Yleinen keskustelu » Viestit 2004 » Viestit 03/2004 » Hyvä analyysi bbrv:stä « Edellinen Seuraava »

Kirjoittaja Viesti

Torstaina, 18. maaliskuuta, 2004 - klo 14.14:   
"I believe there's more to it than that. Bill Buck is an idea person and likes to move fast and get things started. My honest impression is that he (or they -- bbrv) believe what they present to be the truth, but I think they at times extrapolate somewhat from what is verifiable, and sometimes this extrapolation turns out to be inaccurate. Of course as business competitors they phrase things to benefit their company and make rivals look bad, but I don't think they manufacture lies, certainly not involving matters that can be investigated and shown to be false. For reasons of his own, Garry Hare never clarified what he was doing, and the explanations of Fleecy and Bill McEwen weren't sufficient to put the rumors to rest. It should be said that these two have credibility problems of their own, so it would have been best to have something more objective to show, but this has never happened. Maybe one good outcome of this sale is that we can learn what role Garry Hare did play while involved with Amiga, Inc.

Anyway, I suppose the way bbrv perceive and describe things might fit your description of FUD if you are on the receiving end of any claims made, etc. But I think they aren't trying to be dishonest -- it's just their perspective on things. They are positive thinkers and understand that sometimes stating things that you want to happen as already happening helps them to happen, if you follow me. Call this positive thinking, or public relations, or FUD -- it's all a matter of context and perspective, IMHO.

-- gary_c"



Torstaina, 18. maaliskuuta, 2004 - klo 14.42:   
Totta... Niin totta. BBRV (ilmeisesti vallankin BB) on juuri tuota.. eli paljon (suurelta osin) hyviä ideoita, mutta niiden toteutus ja loppuunsaattaminen ei ole lähelläkään samaa tasoa.


Torstaina, 18. maaliskuuta, 2004 - klo 15.42:   
Joanna: Amerikkalainen ja ranskalainen. Mitä MUUTA voisimmekaan odottaa. :)


Ibe U
Perjantaina, 19. maaliskuuta, 2004 - klo 14.44:   
Tuo sama pätisi hyvin myös Amiga inc:hin johtoon.

Oma mielipide on että menestyvään firmaan johtoon tarvitaaan 1 pilviveikko ja 1 nihlisti

Enkä tarkoita mitään laittomia aineita ;-)

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