OS4:n sitominen rautaan

Saku-foorumi » Uusi sukupolvi: AmigaOS 4 » Yleinen keskustelu » Viestit 2002 » Viestit 09/2002 asti » OS4:n sitominen rautaan « Edellinen Seuraava »

Kirjoittaja Viesti

Maanantaina, 27. toukokuuta, 2002 - klo 16.08:   

Itse pidän tuota asiaa aiheellisena ja mietin allekirjoitusta. Onko mielipiteitä?


Maanantaina, 27. toukokuuta, 2002 - klo 17.19:   
Ensin olisin äänestänyt tuota anomusta "vastaan", mutta sittemmin olen tullut aika neutraalille kannalle. Enään en ole varma että mikä on totta ja mikä vain fanaatikkojen valhetta.

Jonkinlainen kopiointisuojaus pitää mielestäni kuitenkin olla ja laadunvarmistuskin.


Maanantaina, 27. toukokuuta, 2002 - klo 17.56:   
Täällä on keskustelua asiasta:


Perjantaina, 7. kesäkuuta, 2002 - klo 13.48:   
Netistä löydettyä koostetta Ben Hermanin kommenteista:
I must remark that Hyperion fully endorses Amiga Inc's distribution policies.

The main reason behind that stance is very clear: piracy.

Currently there is a wide variety of servers hosted all over the world that carry our products like Heretic 2, Shogo and Freespace for download.

Heretic 2 showed up for download the same day it was released.

Despite our best efforts to give people a sneak peek of what a game is about or how it will run on a given system by releasing demos prior to the games itself, quite a number of people persist in pirating our software and that of other commercial developers thereby threatening the future of commercial development on the Amiga.

The OEM policy adopted by Amiga at least means that every time you buy an AmigaOne, you're buying AmigaOS 4 and are thereby compensating the hard work of some 30 developers.

It's imperative that piracy of OS 4 is kept to a bare minimum because without the much needed revenues, we cannot guarantee further development of OS 4.

Hyperion is a commercial company with full-time professional developers which is your best guarantee for a good product.

If OS 4 were to be sold separately, piracy would again be rampant and would eat deeply into the already uncertain revenues of OS 4.

This is a far bigger threat to the platform's continued existence than the rather theoretical appearance of yet another POP solution at an affordable price which would not be certified in some way or another by Amiga.

Why do you keep saying the hardware needs to be modified?

It need not be modified at all: other schemes may be adopted to ensure that OS 4 is running on licensed hardware.

Besides, we've talked with people from IBM and Motorola, the AmigaOne is the first attempt at commercialisation of the POP design in large quantities.

There are no other candidate producers out there at the moment and if you stop and think that the POP design has been available for many years now without anybody mass-marketing them, this is hardly surprising.
The issue of the market being flooded by cheap POP boards by a wide variety of producers is completely theoretical at best.


I'm sorry but I think you are not fully informed about the facts.

The speed with which POP is moving is due to only 1 thing at the moment: the AmigaOne and the cooperation between MAI, Eyetech and others who have a stake in POP development.

There was no serious, financially backed up interest by the Linux community for hardware which most there consider overpriced when compared to x86 Linux.

Add to that the fact that Linux PPC won't allow you to run things like VMWorks, Wine, Corel Suite etc. and you know why interest from the Linux community is lukewarm at best: a novelty item at best.
In fact, were it not for the AmigaOne project and Eyetech's sensible decision to work with MAI, all we would have today would be very expensive POP based evaluation boards from MAI which are intended to show off the capabilities of their Northbridge.
The POP project has been out there and dormant for years.

With the demise of Beos, the end of the Apple clone makers and the dominance (through economies of scale) of x86 Linux, there simply wasn't any OS around that warranted mass-production and further development of POP boards.

No OS to run on it, no POP production.

Now there is in the form of OS 4 which is exactly why anybody else interested in entering the POP market will look at OS 4 first and foremost.


I'm sorry, with the access I have to information at IBM and Motorola, I simply have a hard time believing in another serious mass-production of POP boards.

The economics are stacked up against this for the reasons I've outlined above and which simply boil down to a lack of demand.

Producing a few boards is one thing, mass producing them at an affordable and competitive price is another which requires very substantial financial backing.

We'll deal with it in the unlikely case it comes to pass.

And yes, we could consider something like a USB token which is another reason why I consider this whole discussion to be a non-issue.


>Amiga users think so too.

Correction: some x86 advocates think so.

Certainly not the people who spend money on any Phase 5/DCE hardware.

The AmigaOne is excellent value for money for those people.

So would be any similarly priced PPC hardware.


MAI's chipsets are not intended for desktop computers.

They are intended for embedded systems plus they support not only PPC but also MIPS and x86.

Think, then post.


Eyetech/Amiga haven't promoted the technology of the POP platform at all, if >you'd care to ask MAI, all the advancements in POP architecture (the chipsets) >were developed indipendantly of Amiga/Eyetech, and wern't influenced by Amiga at >all, both were already available/in development before Eyetech decided to use >them. neither chipset ever even anticipated being used in an Amiga, by it's >manufacturers.

Facts please!

MAI's excellent technology was intended not for POP but for embedded systems running three possible CPU architectures.

MAI never had any intention of mass-producing these POP based evaluation boards until Eyetech came along.


No demand.

So your so-called advancements of the POP boards are a fortunate by-product of MAI's focus on embedded systems, nothing more.

Thanks to Eyetech and OS 4 POP boards will finally be mass-produced for desktop use.


Where did I claim it was?

I compared it to similar Amiga hardware that was sold in the past like the Cyberstorm PPC and the BlizzardPPC.

Anybody in his right mind can understand that Eyetech cannot compete pricewise with Apple which produces 4 million computers a year.


>Mr. Hermans confirmed that any hardware being capable of running AmigaOS4, must be >delivered with OS4 ONLY.

This is an outright lie.

In fact, if you would stop and think for more than half a second, you'd realise that the AmigaOne developer boards are already shipping with Linux.

Ensin olisi kiva jos se OS4 saataisiin tehtyä.
Sitten oisi kiva jos tulisi markkinoille joitain POP emolevyjä.

Sitten voisi alkaa harkita onko jokin lisenssointipolitiikka tarpeellinen tai tarpeeton tai pitäisikö sitä ehkä vaan hieman muuttaa.

First things first.


Mika Hanhijärvu
Perjantaina, 7. kesäkuuta, 2002 - klo 15.11:   
Mä olen täysin samaa mieltä tosta Hyperionin äijien kanssa, ja siks mä
olenkin jo pariin kertaan esim ann:ssa sanonu, että ainakaan mä en aio
tällähetkellä tommosia ihme petitioneita allekirjottaa. Ensin pitää
päästä alkuun jotenkin, ja siihen meillä kohta on AmigaOne. Sitten
mikäli Amigaone ja OS4 myy riittävästi, niin sittn voidaan alkaa
haaveilemaan mahdollisesti muiden POP emolevyjen käyttöä. Mä en
tosiaan ymmärrä miksi sitä pitää tässävaiheessa vaatia. Mä ymmärrän
ihan täysin myös ton, että Amiga ja hyperion haluaa varmistaa että
porukka ostaa OS4:n eikä kopioi


Matti Kuuva
Maanantaina, 10. kesäkuuta, 2002 - klo 11.35:   
Kun lukee tuota OS4:n listaa ominaisuuksista, niin on sanomattakin selvää että kuluttajien odotetaan ostavan tuotetta. Työmäärä on valtava, vaikka mukana olisikin entisiä AmigaOS koodaajia ei "konvertointi" PPC-pohjalle ole helppoa kun hekään eivät tätä jatkuvasti tee - työtä on silloin kun saadaan projekti uuden OS:n version tekemiseksi aikaan, ei muulloin.

Lieköhän OS4:n tuloa ennakoitu jo vuosien ajan no piracy -kampanjan merkein. Itse ostin OS3.5:n ja olisi tehnyt mieli OS3.9:kin mutta rahankäyttöni oli muualla - en sitä silti piratisoi vaan mieluummin jätän hankkimatta. Optimi tietysti olisi ostaminen. Pääasia on ettei sille linjalle lähdetä ollenkaan, siitäkin joku sanoi: "On kuin ampuisi jalkaansa".


M Kuuva
Maanantaina, 10. kesäkuuta, 2002 - klo 11.36:   
Ja kaiken lisäksi paras vieläpä pysyä erossa noista ANN yms. threadeista.


Henri Urpalainen
Maanantaina, 10. kesäkuuta, 2002 - klo 11.44:   
Niitähän on hauska lukea.

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