kimmok Käyttäjätunnus: kimmok
Rekisteröity: 10-2009
| Torstaina, 28. lokakuuta, 2021 - klo 13.27: | | Haiku:n tekijät, kuten alkuperäiset BeOS tekijät, fanittavat samoja ominaisuuksia jotka on tuttuja classic Amigoiden ajalta. Kuten, käyttäjäystävällisyys, nopeus ja yksinkertaisuus. Äkkipikaisesti ajateltuna vois olla hyvä kumppanu. Haiku:n FAQ:sta... Why not Linux? Linux-based distributions stack up software – the Linux kernel, the X Window System, and various DEs with disparate toolkits such as GTK+ and Qt – that do not necessarily share the same guidelines and/or goals. This lack of consistency and overall vision manifests itself in increased complexity, insufficient integration, and inefficient solutions, making the use of your computer more complicated than it should actually be. Instead, Haiku has a single focus on personal computing and is driven by a unified vision for the whole OS. That, we believe, enables Haiku to provide a leaner, cleaner and more efficient system capable of providing a better user experience that is simple and uniform throughout.