
Saku-foorumi » Uusi sukupolvi: AmigaOS 4 » Yleinen keskustelu » Viestit 2005 » Viestit 06/2005 asti » AmigaDE-audiosta « Edellinen Seuraava »

Kirjoittaja Viesti

Maanantaina, 2. toukokuuta, 2005 - klo 16.54:   
Ihan mielenkiintoista taustaa.

"I am that Simon N Goodwin. :-)

I'm not responsible for Tao's work with Sseyo, though I did meet with both years ago when Amiga Inc could afford to pay me, and consulted with them about audio systems.

As far as I am aware only Davy Wentzler, of the Amiga Audio team I put together, is still working, unpaid, on audio drivers for AmigaOS 4; I help him when I can, with hardware and information, but again this is a labour of love.

Since Amiga Inc ran short of cash I've done some technology programming work for UK games softco ATD and written emulation columns for Linux Format magazine including Amiga-related items; I am currently working as a Senior Programmer in the Central Technology group at Codemasters Software Company, with special responsibility for data and audio streaming systems.

I am typing this, as ever, on my Amiga A4000/060. The ARexx SpamFryer is my main pro bono Amiga project these days, and was recently updated. The latest version on Aminet includes contributions from more than two dozen Amiga devotees."

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