Gary Peake

Saku-foorumi » Uusi sukupolvi: AmigaOS 4 » Yleinen keskustelu » Viestit 2005 » Viestit 03/2005 asti » Gary Peake « Edellinen Seuraava »

Kirjoittaja Viesti

Keskiviikkona, 19. tammikuuta, 2005 - klo 21.22:   
Ilonen viesti Gary Peakelta muuten:

Tell everyone hello for me! I no longer work for KMOS/Amiga,
whomever. Had
to actually ask to find out as no one specifically told me, but that
cool. Lost a lot of dollars on the venture in pay not received, but
met a
lot of really great people, renewed some old friendships, and
want to
apologize to those who put their faith in us that we/I did not
make it
happen for you. I was so sure in the beginning! Just the
friendships I made
and renewed are worth every nickel I lost!

I am consulting for a huge video rental/sales corporation and
loving it.
Turning stores around and showing stores in my area how to
make money. Very

I am doing fine and so is the family. Glad to be away from the
fray though!

That roundabout made us all pretty good friends whom I value
always! Place
your health in the hands of a crazy Louisiana Cajun, on a
roundabout, in a
foreign country, who ALL drive on the wrong side of the road,
and you better
be friends! :)

Good luck to everyone!



Torstaina, 20. tammikuuta, 2005 - klo 2.29:   
No, ainakin hän vaikuttaa tyytyväiseltä. Ja mikäs siinä jos kokemus omasta mielestä on olut kulujen arvoinen (eli Ainc aika katsotaan harrastukseksi?).

Sitä tuossa ei kyllä mainittu milloin hän lähti Ainc:istä mutta sillä ei enää ole merkitystä.

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