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| Torstaina, 18. marraskuuta, 2004 - klo 20.21: | | Tämä liittyy jotenkin Pretoryyn, eli Thendic-Francen emoyhtiöön (ja sitäkautta tääläkin keskultuihin palkkasaataviin joita syntyi rahoituksen katkettua).. Babelfish-käännös ei selitä minulle mikä on idea/yhteys... Ilmeisesti kuitenkin jotain varsin erikoista tapahtui vuosi/pari sitten. linkki otetty tästä jutusta MZ:ssä
| Torstaina, 18. marraskuuta, 2004 - klo 22.09: | | käännetty versio: DERRIERE the WALLS out of concrete, in a basement of Levallois-Perret (the Top-of-Seine), plus nothing does not let guess l'existence d'une room of prayer. The Iqra mosque closed after l'intervention of the murder squad, which suspected a group salafist d'en of having taken financial and ideological control. This investigation highlighted also, for the first time, l'envoi French combatants in Irak.Selon the investigators, two French identified in Iraq - Redouane El Hakim and Abdelhakim Badjoudj - were in liaison with certain members of this radical group. This mosque, according to the police force, would have hidden a "center of recruitment". L'enquête starts in June by l interpellation d'une ten suspects. During the four days of police custody, the police officers take down an unhoped-for index: by exploiting the listings of the portable of Toufik T, data processing specialist and vice-president will d'Iqra, they discover a coming SMS earlier d'Irak, sent a few days: "Salam Alykum (...). Relays ke I am well, N O only keeps you (...). If G 1 Pb here, C you kon apelera." Of the training courses with Dubaï the investigators are convinced that l expeditor, based in Iraq, "carries out the jihad" and that Toufik T acts as "correspondent" in France. In the SMS, three first names are quoted, of which that of l expeditor, Grégory G, 27 years, whose profile intrigues the police officers. Former president of l association Iqra, this French converted with l'islam was manager d'une undertaken safety, sub-contracting Pretory company. The latter, specialized in the monitoring d'installations on l'aéroport Roissy-Charles-of-Gaulle, took down many markets after the attacks of September 11, 2001. After a tax control in the company of Grégory G, the investigators would have discovered documentation with character islamist and traces of paramilitary training courses in Dubaï. Militant islamist or professional of safety? Grégory G, which we contacted, ensures to have carried out a mission d'un month in Iraq with a associate: "This history is ridiculous. When learned j'ai arrests in France, j'ai called police officers. I am not related to any die d'envoi jihadists. I do not know Redouane El Hakim. The training courses with Dubaï were carried out to approach the customers in the Gulf. C'était declared in prefecture. Documentation islamist in question, c'était Coran! "Mistaken of the police officers? "L'accumulation of coincidences is not enough to show people", underlines Grégory G
| Perjantaina, 19. marraskuuta, 2004 - klo 6.43: | | Juppe Kiitos, on paljon selvempi nyt /sarcasm
| Perjantaina, 19. marraskuuta, 2004 - klo 8.37: | | Joo, tuosta lopusta vain puuttuu: "and I was very, very, drunken" ;)
| Perjantaina, 19. marraskuuta, 2004 - klo 10.20: | | Tuosta käännöksestä saa suunnilleen sen käsityksen, että Thendicin tyypit suunnittelivat WTC-iskut ja että Saddamin kadonneet joukkotuhoaseet ovat kätkettynä jonkun moskeijan kellarissa. Ainakin jotain sinne päin.
| Perjantaina, 19. marraskuuta, 2004 - klo 15.34: | | Hei ... jätkät ... AmigaInc:n talouden kaatoi WTC terrori iskut ... jos McEweniä on uskominen ... siis ... 1 + 1 == YEEEHAW !
| Perjantaina, 19. marraskuuta, 2004 - klo 16.25: | | NATO:n Anti-Terrorism Unit tulee pikapuoliin iskemään Amigistien koteihin. Linkki terrorismin ja Amigan välillä on kenelle tahansa järkevälle yhtä selvä kuin linkki Al-Qaidan ja Saddam Husseinin Irakin välillä!
| Perjantaina, 19. marraskuuta, 2004 - klo 20.28: | | Eli Pretoryn entistä manageria epäillään yhteydestä radikaali-islamisteihin. Väitetty yhteys löytyi kun tutkittiin Pretoryn verohuijausta. BBRV vättävät että he henk.koht. löysivät ja raportoivat asian.
| Perjantaina, 19. marraskuuta, 2004 - klo 22.38: | | Enpä tiedä mutta en pistäisi pahakseni jos alqaidalaiset suuntaisivat seuraavat pomminsa amigan ja genesin päämajoihin. Mitä pikemmin molemmat on pommitettu maan tasalle sen parempi.
| Perjantaina, 19. marraskuuta, 2004 - klo 23.20: | | itix: varo sanojasi joku voi tietää missä asut (minä en vielä tiedä joten olet minun osalta turvassa)...
| Sunnuntaina, 21. marraskuuta, 2004 - klo 11.55: | | Ranskan hallitus myös BBRV:lle hiljattain korkean kunniamerkin. Ei liene mahdotonta että asia liittyy tämän Pretory-skandaalin paljastamiseen.
| Sunnuntaina, 21. marraskuuta, 2004 - klo 12.26: | | bbrv: "We think between the trouble that has been caused by the corruption of and this article that appeared today in France this community should finally begin to understand what we went through and why there were so may problems. You will now begin to understand what happened with Pretory and consequently Thendic-France if you have followed the story. This is not some cloak and dagger novel, this is a true story and we lived it. We discovered a connection to terrorism in Pretory. Through a sub-contractor this led to money-laundering, drug trafficking and mercenary activity. We discovered the active involvement of officials in the French Government and we filed the report in June (referenced below) that began to expose the situation. We left France because we were told from officials in the Matignon that our safety could not be assured. It had nothing to do with all the other speculation generated in the French Presse or on other websites. When we were at SNDF Europe Jon Swain the author of the book, The River of Time, which became the movie, The Killing Fields, came to see us. Will he write a book about this? We are not sure yet. Paul Webster of the Guardian had started one, but he died in March 2004 of a sudden heart attack. Here is the article that appeared in France: LeParisien Can you see why the attention was diverted? Can you understand the implications? We built up a solid Company with a good reputation. BDO, our Auditors, did not see the problems, but when we found them we investigated and one revelation led to the next and so on. As for the whole episode, this may or may not kill MorphOS as a desktop system. We will do our best to insure there is a 1.5 release. Sadly, this situation has proven to our bigger partners why open source, unless a development is tightly controlled, is a better approach in some respects and have for the moment eliminated MorphOS from our strategic partnership discussions. Very sincerely, Raquel and Bill"
| Sunnuntaina, 21. marraskuuta, 2004 - klo 12.27: | | bbrv: "Yes, TreeBeard. BTW, it is our personal money we are spending and not any one else's. We have no venture investors besides ourselves. We fund the Pegasos production, pay the salaries we can, and sell and market MorphOS and the Pegasos in any way we can with our money and resources. Please keep that in mind. There are many people who have worked very hard under very difficult conditions to get this far. We all share the same dream and with the support of a strong community we still think we can make it. R&B [ Edited by bbrv on 2004/11/18 17:38 ]"
| Sunnuntaina, 21. marraskuuta, 2004 - klo 12.32: | | bbrv: "TreeBeard, (edited on the counsel of Mikko ) We have made things very clear. It is our ambition to settle everything from the past that is a valid claim and move ahead to the future in a positive manner. R&B [ Edited by bbrv on 2004/11/18 19:45 ]" "Tetuzo, these things have all been documented in the French Press. This latest story is just another step in a series of progressively revealing information about Pretory and the overall situation. The VSD article is July was another example. We would be happy to email this article to you (or anyone else). Our statements about the situation here and on other boards are accurate and as complete as they can be while the investigation continues. To be clear, MorphOS is owned by the shareholders of bplan/ Genesi. The components included in the current distribution are either owned or licensed by Genesi/bplan. The release is currently locked and fully paid for through the July 2003 release. Developers that have released third party applications own the respective developments. Genesi/bplan has passed through a difficult period, but it has not "died" and this option is currently not in consideration. What is under consideration is whether or not we continue to develop core features of MorphOS beyond the July 2003 release. We have established terms with Stefan Stuntz. We have not with David Gerber. We will not conclude an agreement with Stefan at this moment if we do not have a desktop. Further, if we do not have a target date for a 1.5 release then it does not make sense to make these license payments. For the record, we have no intention of paying David Gerber for anything unless he re-joins the effort. We have made this clear to him, before and now. In the meanwhile, MorphOS will be ported to other hardware targeted at the embedded market. We have potential customers interested in a MorphOS solution for this market. Those are the facts. May we ask who you are and what your true purpose is here? R&B" "MagicM, we are sure you do not understand. We pay David for a license to his work. If we do not use his work we do not pay the license. Can you see the difference?" "Alex and Bob, unfortunately we will have to answer your posts in a more detailed manner later. We are headed to a very important meeting and finishing the proposal. David broke with us. We did not break with him. More later...(sorry) R&B" "AP, Try this instead: deliver something and get paid for it. Don't deliver it and don't get paid. We still promise him to pay him if he delivers something. Do you think what is on is the way to get it? What about the payments we have made? What about the overall situation? This is becoming a crazy discussion. David knew what the situation was. He understood the time table. R&B"
| Sunnuntaina, 21. marraskuuta, 2004 - klo 12.54: | | "Further, if we do not have a target date for a 1.5 release then it does not make sense to make these license payments." Piiiiitkästä aikaa olen samoilla linjoilla bbrv:n kanssa.