Poseidon USB muuttuu..

Saku-foorumi » Classic Amiga » Yleinen keskustelu » Viestit 2003 » Viestit 07/2003 » Poseidon USB muuttuu.. « Edellinen Seuraava »

Kirjoittaja Viesti

Maanantaina, 21. heinäkuuta, 2003 - klo 20.33:   
Vallankin Spiderin ostajien/harkitsijoiden kannattaa lukea...

(huom.. linkki lakkaa toimimasta kun uutinen moderoidaan, laitan uuden linkin sitten.. )

"Posted on 21-Jul-2003 08:21 GMT by Chris Hodges

Due to reasons I will not explain here further (ask me in private), Poseidon keyfiles cannot be bought after 01-Aug-03. People having just bought an USB card, that does not come with an OEM Licence, have the chance to register Poseidon until the end of this month.

Support for existing users is NOT affected and will continue as usually.

It is recommended that dealers stop selling USB cards without licence to avoid angry customers buying an useless piece of hardware, until the vendor delivers his own software solution or the situation is solved somehow.

Chris Hodges
Author of Poseidon "

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