Spider USB ja Elbox muutenkin

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Torstaina, 12. kesäkuuta, 2003 - klo 3.07:   
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Msg #
From: Chris Hodges
Date: Wed Jun 4, 2003 3:38 pm
Subject: Re: Spider II Problem


Dear Mr. Smietana,

this is a support mailing list for legal users of the Poseidon software
package. I would therefore like you to confirm a few things here in public

1. Has Elbox (or the main developer) bought a valid Poseidon keyfile and is
therefore entitled to use and develop for this software? According to my
database, nobody at Elbox has acquired a legal registration. Your
original development keyfile has been deactivated in November and the
licence to use it was retired. Please confirm here in public that you're
not using a pirated or cracked version. Please confirm here, that
according to the user licence agreement, that you have been using
Poseidon less than thirty days without registering.

Please, Mr. Smietana, provide evidence here, that your a legitimate
Poseidon user.

If you're not one of my customers and don't provide support to /your/
customers on this list, but only harassment, I recommend that you should
simply unsubscribe.

2. The agreement about including the Poseidon software on an Elbox software
package had been withdrawn in November aswell. This was both stated in
public and by private email, which was also sent to a number of third
party recipients to be able to confirm this. Still, Spider II users have
indicated that Poseidon was still on the CD that came with their new
great PCI hardware. So please confirm here, that you're not doing
something illegal, e.g. by including Poseidon or parts of it on in any
of your software packages without permission.

3. Many Spider users were quite surprised to find out, that it did not
contain a software package, that would allow the buyer to actually use
the Spider without buying a third party software package (Poseidon).

How can that be? Is it because neither your press releases, nor any
other recent publication on your website clearly indicate that buying
a Poseidon licence is required to get the card working?

In my opinion, stating "Includes drivers for AmigaOS for all Mediator
busboards and for Amithlon" means that a fully functional driver package
is included. "Amiga support works under the Poseidon stack" does not
contain any statement about requiring to buy a licence for its use.

So I therefore urge you add this missing piece of information (like
several users may already have done so). I'm sure you don't want people
starting to suing you because of fraud, disinformation or something
nasty like that.

Don't forget to inform your distributors aswell, please.

This will stop people sending "unhappy" mails (which is not unjustified)
to both you or me.

I hope we will soon be able to find this lack of information to be gone
and only have glad people having spent 50+20 EUR on your USB "solution".

4. Ah yes, while we are at your website contents: There is a "Note" at the
end of the spider information page, that quotes a paragraph from the
Poseidon manual, even without giving reference. It is clearly stated
that all parts of the Poseidon software are copyrighted by me. This also
includes the manual. Therefore this paragraph is copyrighted by me and
used on your website without permission.

Please remove this paragraph immediately. I don't see why you should try
to promote your hardware using a piece of software, you've obviously got
no licence for.

5. You stated that people on this list cannot help Spider users, if it's a
hardware problem. Could you please confirm here in public, that you did
not send people back to me or this list, after they contacted me and I
detected it to be an obvious hardware driver or hardware problem.
Like e.g. Colin Rodden and various other people I could look up in my
complete mail folder archive.

6. You stated here that people were "spreading untrue information" about
your company and products. As I sure do not want this to happen, please
state clearly, which exact phrase is said to be untrue and give evidence
that this actually the case.

7. And finally, as we speak about telling lies:
There are several press statements about the RDB issue. In a recently
published translation of an polish interview posted by a very friendly
customer of yours on the mediator list, there is the following line:

RS: Is it true that your drivers had code erasing the RDB?
MB: No, our drivers never included code aimed at erasing RDB.

(MB being your CEO, Maciej Binek)

I confirmed in public (and many other people have done that
independantly), that there in fact was a piece of code inside your
drivers (usb.device and eventually also found in other components as the
pci.library), that was purposely planted in there to erase the RDB of
the users harddisk.

Now as these statements are completely oppositional, could you please
confirm here again, which of them is true? Otherwise I will still feel
offended by you for calling me a liar.

Thank you very much, Mr. Smietana, for the time you've spent for reading
and replying to my questions.

Regards, Chris Hodges (http://www.platon42.de) __ __

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