GGS Data: Uusi satsi Pegasos II koneita

Saku-foorumi » Uusi sukupolvi: MorphOS » Yleinen keskustelu » Viestit 2004 » Viestit 03/2004 » GGS Data: Uusi satsi Pegasos II koneita « Edellinen Seuraava »

Kirjoittaja Viesti

Tiistaina, 2. maaliskuuta, 2004 - klo 23.48:   
kuva tuoreesta G4-korttista

Huomionarvoista on että tuulettimen laatuun on panostettu hieman lisää. Tuuletimella on myös liitin CPU-kortilla, joten nyt sen vaihtaminen onnistuu ilman kolvia.

(Tämä kuva on GGS Data:lta ruotsista. BBRV:n mukaan kaikki tilatut koneet lähtevät liikenteeseen viimeistään loppuviikosta)


Keskiviikkona, 3. maaliskuuta, 2004 - klo 1.52:   
Vaikka onkin ehkä aavistuksen offtopic saakohan noita Pegasos II:sia mieten helposti noin tämän vuoden toukokuussa tai sitä seuraavassa tai sitä seuraavassa kuussa ? (nimimerkki silloin lienee tarpeeksi rahaa)
Vaikka en olekkaan tilaamassa nyt saako ruotsista postiennakolla ?


Keskiviikkona, 3. maaliskuuta, 2004 - klo 2.48:   
Aika hyvin pysynyt siinä noini 366euroassa vaikka onkin ruotin hinta josta tulee euro muunnoksella ilmeisesti noin 371euroa. Hyvä juttu koska ei olisi kivaa että tuo hinta tuosta paljoa nousisi.
PS. Laskin vain G3 mallin hinnan koska se on se mitä mietin. Tarkoitan siis ruotsista saamista tuolla GGS Datalta saamista.


Keskiviikkona, 3. maaliskuuta, 2004 - klo 12.35:   

En ole nyt varma, mutta olisikohan uusi erä tulossa vielä tämän kuun puolella...


Keskiviikkona, 10. maaliskuuta, 2004 - klo 1.04:   
BBRV:n kommentti (ilmeisesti, vaikkakaan siitä voi olla ihan 100% varma).

"In spite of rumors to the contrary, the Pegasos II is being produced and shipped. Boards were delivered to Resellers last week and this week. Internet buyers have also been receiving their boards and more will be shipped this week. In two weeks more Pegasos II boards will be produced. Most of these have already been sold. There will be another production in April. Things are moving ahead. There is not ONE buyer or Reseller that has paid for a Pegasos II that has not or will not receive it.

Since January, we have informed all Resellers that they must pay 50% of any orders upfront. Any Reseller that has complied with this policy has been delivered Pegasos II boards -- ALL OF THEM. We even sent some Resellers boards without payment in advance to assist them. Sadly, some of these Resellers have STILL not paid for boards delivered in December and January. THERE ARE NO RESELLERS THAT HAVE MADE PARTIAL PAYMENTS THAT DO NOT HAVE BOARDS. There are Resellers that owe money to Genesi. There may have been Resellers that collected money, but if they had sent it to Genesi they would have boards. There are also Resellers that have cheated on the upgrade offer which is why we had to suspend the promotion. We will be announcing the new requirements soon, but the upgrade offer still stands. We just have to figure out a better way to administer it.

About DCE...we appreciate very much the good people at DCE. Thomas Dellert and the rest of the DCE are professional and competent and part of the Pegasos Team. We have no problems with them. It should be noted that DCE is in a full support role and is not a Reseller of the Pegasos. DCE has never sold one Pegasos machine directly to anyone.

In the meanwhile, in spite of the difficulties, MorphOS advances too. The latest coverage in the 6 April edition of PCMagazine is nothing short of spectacular for the MorphOS Team. COngratulations to them. There is more coverage like that coming soon.

Finally, we are in Austin, Texas now and will be here until we conclude a far reaching and comprehensive agreement with Motorola. It will not be long now for the Pegasos and MorphOS to achieve solid market traction and the opportunity to pursue an enormous future.




For those of you that are interested there have been other challenges. Here are a few examples:

1. The first Pegasos II shipments were packaged in a way that led to the damage of many of the CPU cards. These had to be/will be replaced.

2. Because the sales through the Internet were made through Genesi USA the boards had to be sent from Europe to the USA and then back to the customers. So much for international tax and customs normalization...:-( This PWC missed and it has lowered our profitability initially. This also added an unreasonable amount of time for delivery to the customers. We need a better solution. We are working on a new *TRUSTED* Reseller program that may pass the money directly to the Reseller from Internet sales. No promises here, we just know we need a better solution.

3. Components can take between 12-16 weeks. We have to pay in advance. In one case, a component supplier did not ship the components until two weeks after they were supposed to. Even the PCBs were late for the last production. ARGH!

4. All this "pre-payment" mumbo-jumbo is bunk. If you want a Pegasos you have to pay for it. When we get your money you get a Pegasos. Simple.

Just a little insight into the world of real business...:-)

R&B "


Tiistaina, 16. maaliskuuta, 2004 - klo 12.38:   
No koskas noita löytyy suomalaisilta jälleenmyyjiltä ?


Tiistaina, 16. maaliskuuta, 2004 - klo 14.34:   
TSK: Olenkin odottanut tuota kysymystä muodossa tai toisessa jo jonkin aikaa :)

Sen isommin selittelemättä.. Sitten kun aika on otollinen.


Tiistaina, 16. maaliskuuta, 2004 - klo 18.49:   
Juu juu, heti mulle yks pegasos, rouva on hyvä vaan, nam.


Tiistaina, 16. maaliskuuta, 2004 - klo 19.43:   
Mun tulee Gunnelta...

16.03.2004, klo 15:54

Lähetys on lajittelussa



Tiistaina, 16. maaliskuuta, 2004 - klo 20.57:   
Hooligan: Onnittelut.


Tiistaina, 16. maaliskuuta, 2004 - klo 21.06:   
hooligan: paljonkos lähetys kulut on?
PS. kateeksi käy mutta hyvä tietää että onnistuu gunnelta tilaus.


Tiistaina, 16. maaliskuuta, 2004 - klo 21.16:   

235 kruunua, eli 25,43 euroa.


Keskiviikkona, 17. maaliskuuta, 2004 - klo 0.14:   
hooligan: kiitos!

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