Bbrv-watch V

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Kirjoittaja Viesti

Sunnuntaina, 24. elokuuta, 2003 - klo 13.07:   
Posted by bbrv (Trusted user) on 23-Aug-2003 14:15:40
Hi Morat, glad we just happened to be here as you posted this.

Speaking for Genesi, we want people to do what is best for them. We have our hands full and are focused on our plan. We are advancing daily. Best wishes to the others. There is no reason to choose sides. Eventually, there will be two platforms that support multiple operating systems. As they share the same CPU, this could be of some benefit to cross-platform development.

The specific issues as they pertain to this community are over-saturated at this point. The focus should be new members and new opportunities. Any further thought about a "split" is just silly unless we are talking about public arguments on websites...;-) In reality, all the serious work is going along just fine and there are many people involved in productive effort that will benefit both platforms.

@Amon_Re We do not think it is "pointless" to make that last point...;-) We realize you might not find that very humorless. How is that for twisting words?! :-D

Sincerely from cloudy Florida,
Raquel and Bill


Maanantaina, 25. elokuuta, 2003 - klo 18.37:   

Posted by bbrv (Trusted user) on 25-Aug-2003 14:47:37

Concerning the Pegasos details until we are ready to release it. It will be better and more reliable than the Pegasos I. Developers will see it in September. Expect a broader release afterwards. The sooner the better. We want to start selling them as soon as we can, but won't until we are sure everything is fine. We will promote the platform to many Operating System environments.

"HONEST" situation with AmigaDE. We have a valid license. After Bill McEwen (and Fleecy) shot off there mouths too many times about the illegality of MorphOS we decided to take action to shut them up. After the latest episode specifically (and with the consent of THEIR legal counsel) we have little sympathy for them. The transcripts from the depositions we took and given by Bill McEwen a couple weeks ago will be made public. We will see who holds up better when the facts are fully exposed.

OS4 -- there are a number of Resellers that will seek to bring OS4 to the Pegasos with the agreement of Amiga Inc. Good for them. Good for us.

Garry Hare told us and others he was the new Chairman and CEO. He changed his mind later for a number of reasons. He gave his Amiga business card with these titles to a number of people.

(the following is a JOKE...) We have deployed the MorphOS Power Rangers to completely disrupt and destroy any opposing forces. They are moving into position now. The conspiracy against the Kommunity is nearly complete and fully successful. Darrin, take all that "tongue-in-cheek." (that was a JOKE!)

All Havemose's original plan was to port Blackdown to bring the JVM to MorphOS. Allan went as far as he could with the Pegasos as it was in September 2002. In the meanwhile, he left for other things. Richard Lipes picked up the ball from Allan and was with us at CES in January 2003. With still more problems at that moment we decided to put everything on hold. We have not advanced any farther on this since then and will not until the Pegasos II is out and ready.

The G4 for the Pegasos I is not worth the effort to bring to the market. Our G4 offer will still be good, but for the Pegasos II.

Checking again later...



Perjantaina, 7. marraskuuta, 2003 - klo 10.42:   
Even Fixed Aritica-S has confirmed features causing Data Loss. : Comment 148 of 407 Posted by bbrv (Trusted user) on 04-Nov-2003 17:36:43
Well, it seems the time to finally set the record straight. Check the dates.

Most people should be able to put the puzzle pieces together now.


From: Raquel Velasco and Bill Buck
Date: Thu Dec 5, 2002 13:24:24 Europe/Paris
To: "Pam Han" ,
Cc: ,
Subject: Re: Genesi Press Release 3 December 2002

Dear Jason,

For us this is a sad, but a humorous series of events. Please fully consult all your staff before you make this decision. A problem with Mai will slow us down, but it will not stop us.

Gerald suspects that internally, your CTO is not speaking with your engineers. It is possible that you are not aware of the true nature of the problems.

We should review the facts in this situation:

1. You know the Articia has bugs.

2. We have documented some of these problems to you in writing.

3. You denied this after we corresponded with you, nevertheless you invited Gerald to visit you.

4. Gerald Carda demonstrated these problems to your engineers. You then acknowledged the problems. Together we found a first solution. Gerald also assisted you in solving other problems you had. For example, Gerald compiled a BIOS for your MIcroServer from our sources (we ask nothing for this). Without it the Microserver would not be a functional product today. He has continued to support your engineers weekly. Where has the "good-spirit" gone?

5. You were pleased with the potential of our collaboration (we were too) and offered a partnership to us. We signed it and returned it to you. You also produced a Press Release extolling our partnership. We modified this slightly and returned it to you. The release was never made and you never even bothered to correspond with us during the 30 day LOI period in which our full partnership agreement was to be developed. In fact, Raquel and I have never even received a single email or letter from you directly. You know who we are.

6. We have developed a patch. Please see the attached. The Articia NOW does what it claims it can do. It cannot without the patch -- you can create a BIOS/OS kernel solution, but it is NOT as efficient or even remotely as beneficial as the full hardware solution we have developed. If you shut down the caches as Gerald recommended to Peng last week, you would need multi-GHzs of processing speed to achieve normal user expectations levels. If you do not do this you have a FATAL bug that results in data corruption (this is NOT the VIA IDE bug). YOU CANNOT SELL THE ARTICIA LIKE THIS OR YOU MAY AS WELL CLOSE UP BEFORE THE LAWSUITS BEGIN FROM YOUR CUSTOMERS. We would be happy to purchase the defective stock from your customers for pennies in the aftermath of you bankruptcy.

Please take this suggestion from a company that has sold over 100,000 hardware related products. We know about the problems that can accumulate significantly in the event of non-performing hardware. YOUR CURRENT LIABILITY IS MOUNTING!

6. We can sell Pegasos machines and make them now. We do not need to wait a couple of months. We are willing to order chips now and willing to support you with the patch we more fully developed after Gerald left. The original solution is not enough.

7. We have watched others bad-mouth the Articia for months. For example, please refer to the email sent to you on 18 November:

From: Raquel Velasco and Bill Buck
Date: Mon Nov 18, 2002 10:25:16 AM Europe/Paris
Subject: Fwd: Eyetech

Hi Pam, have you seen this?
We really need to set the record straight. We assume that the bulk of this information is false. For example, that Mai knew about the "bug" before and joint efforts.

There are many such comments you can read online. Until this week, we never acknowledged the "bug" publicly. From us you have had only support.

8. When Gerald left you promised to ship the 472+ Articias you had. We want them. We also want more and a proposal for production in Taiwan, which you also promised and never provided.

9. Lastly, what warnings has Mai received? From who? You seem happy enough to have our support, but not courage enough to discuss these matters with us directly. Mai drafted the LOI and initial Press Release.

We are asking you to fully consider the future opportunities we have together. Our US e-commerce site will be up next week. The CEO of IBM France and Germany will be at our Show this weekend (, as well many many other IT executives and journalists from all over Europe. Most importantly, the COO of a multi-billion dollar European based media company with which we have signed an LOI for a 1 million+ unit order of a Pegasos derivative will be there both days. They will fund the development, so we will have plenty of time to find an alternative solution if you are fully committed to abandon us. If so, we must move to a new solution immediately. Please reconsider. We should have a telephone conversation between all of us, including Gerald. We will be together tomorrow in Aachen in the morning your time. By Saturday morning if we have not heard from you and are discussions have not taken a more positive direction, we will embark immediately on a new direction. The failures of the Articia will become well known. Further, next week we will begin the procedures required to force you to compensate us for the significant loss of time and money we have experienced due the false claims you have made about the Articia chip.


Look closely at the attached pictures.

1. We can do the testing of the new chip mounted on an existing board using our proprietary BGA to BGA connector technology and COMPLETE the systems integration of your new revision HERE. This will save you approximately $25,000 minimum on PCB prototyping and assembly.

2. We can provide you with as many April+Articia chips as needed in the meanwhile.

3. We can certainly refute any objections you may have heard about bplan or any of us.

4. We WANT to work together.

Finally, Jason, Raquel and I have the resources to be an exceptional partner or a formidable adversary. We expect direct communication with you. The email silliness with Pam is finished.


Bill Buck


Perjantaina, 7. marraskuuta, 2003 - klo 11.01:   
Sama threadi kuin edellisessä (en jaksa tehdä linkkiä)
Viesti: 346

Posted by bbrv (Trusted user) on 06-Nov-2003 15:14:43
In Reply to Comment 345:

We have been too busy in the last days to be active here and actually we thought it best to allow many to vent their feelings on the subject from all sides. And, when we say all sides we mean that -- from the perimeter inward from all directions. Picture this: an archery target with a bull's-eye at the center of a target. The crucial issue that precisely defines the problem has to do with one company *IN the CENTER of the issue. That company is Mai. It is not Eyetech, who has made an insignificant contribution to the design and actual creation of the hardware, and it is not Hyperion or even Amiga Inc., who has had the least to do with any of this. Eyetech and Hyperion have been deceived, EXACTLY as we were. That is where the problem begins and where the blame should be focused. All this mumbo-jumbo about us not being good partners -- hogwash! Just wait to see what the "good" partner Mai will do as the deception fully unwinds. AmigaOne Lite!? Lite on commercial viability! As we said before and we say again -- THERE IS NO MAI WITHOUT APRIL!

The entire community has wasted too much time on the Articia and on Mai. The best thing to do is to put the past where it belongs and move to the future.

These are the facts. Some find our forthrightness disturbing. Forgive us. We tried to explain this a year ago!

We will support OS4 when it is ready. We will support the payment of those license fees to whoever they are legally bound and we will continue to do our best to advance improve the overall condition of this Community.

Raquel and Bill


Perjantaina, 7. marraskuuta, 2003 - klo 15.24:   
Esimerkkejä kuinka kohteliaasti hoidetaan bisneksiä:



"I have the resources to be an exceptional partner or a formidable adversary."

Posted by bbrv (Trusted user) on 01-Nov-2003 21:29:14
In Reply to Comment 26:

News Flash for Bill Hoggett:

If you don't like it don't buy it!

Bill, we do not need you!




Perjantaina, 7. marraskuuta, 2003 - klo 16.07:   
BBRV tekisi itselleen palveluksen jättämällä turhat huutelut sikseen. Heillä on meriittiä, resursseja ja taitoa tehdä paljonkin - tuollainen huutelu, etenkin toi Bill Hoggetille heitetty, on ihan turhaa.


Perjantaina, 7. marraskuuta, 2003 - klo 17.53:   

Otetaan toiseltakin puolelta esimerkki. Käväisin tuossa aikoja takaisin amigaworld.netin irkkikanavalla.. Ray Akey ystävällisesti kuittasi että mitä helvettiä minä siellä teen :)


Perjantaina, 7. marraskuuta, 2003 - klo 21.33:   
Periaatteessa, vaikka R&B ois millainen ureapää vaan, se ei vaikuta minun mielipiteeseen MOS/Pegasoksesta. Tiedän että mukana on hyviäkin tyyppejä luomassa platformia.

Sama juttu Ray Akeystä. Mitä sitä kannattaa noteerata. Ei hänestä ole kiinni OS4:n valmistuminen yms.


Maanantaina, 10. marraskuuta, 2003 - klo 18.52:   
Are Pegasos 2s shipping? : Comment 18 of 24 Posted by bbrv (Trusted user) on 10-Nov-2003 16:18:41
In Reply to Comment 16:

We have shipped the October production to a customer.

The November production will push us over 1000 units in the market. The entire November production is sold or committed to buyers.

Depending on how that goes we will continue to produce more boards in December.

We never said we would be making 25,000 units a month. We said we could and we would certainly like to do so.

Some of you are underestimating the opportunity...;-)



Maanantaina, 10. marraskuuta, 2003 - klo 19.17:   
Tunnustan uteliaisuuteni. Odotan innolla hyvää selitystä siitä kuka pentele ne olisi ostanut ...


Tiistaina, 11. marraskuuta, 2003 - klo 15.50:   
Joanna: minäkin ja mihin käyttöön jollei ostajan nimi sano jo jotain.


Pasi M
Tiistaina, 11. marraskuuta, 2003 - klo 19.30:   
Muuten, eikös bbrv aikanaan puhunut jostain isosta STB-diilistä? Onko siitä kuulunut mitään?


Tiistaina, 11. marraskuuta, 2003 - klo 21.06:   
Pasi M: mikä on STB ?


Pasi M
Tiistaina, 11. marraskuuta, 2003 - klo 23.07:   
JPQ: Set Top Box


Keskiviikkona, 12. marraskuuta, 2003 - klo 3.29:   
BBRV: kertoo Genesin laitesuunnitelmista

"the blade server board comes before that. Here we can compete at the low end with a fully configured package. Who would ever have guessed Linux would be 30% of the server market today. We think we can help keep that number rising. Then the 970!"

Eli Pegasos 2 jälkeen tulee palvelinkäyttöön optimoity emolevy (kone?) ja sen jälkeen IBM 970-pohjainen (=G5) kone.


Keskiviikkona, 12. marraskuuta, 2003 - klo 15.30:   
No ku ny tulis ensin edes se pegasos 2 joskus.. :) Suuret on puheet, vähän liiankin suuret mun mielestäni. Ei muuten mutta tommosella tahdilla hankkivat itselleen turhan helposti ns. liian ison palan haukattavaksi. Ei musta kovin hyvä idea puhua tässä vaiheessa Pegasos 3:sta tai noista kun edes kakkosta ei ole saatu myyntiin vielä. Tarkotus ei siis trollata tai mitään, mielipiteeni vaan toi.


Pasi M
Keskiviikkona, 12. marraskuuta, 2003 - klo 23.06:   
STB:stä vielä...

Tarkoitin tätä helmikuista lausuntoa:

" In the meanwhile, MORE IMPORTANTLY, the engineering and the organization behind the Pegasos and MorphOS have enabled Genesi to achieve an agreement to produce a Digital Television Receiver based on the PPC and MorphOS. We will be producing the first 150,000 of these units ourselves. "

Mikähän tuon status on, tietääkö kukaan?


Torstaina, 13. marraskuuta, 2003 - klo 9.04:   
miksuh, juu viisas markkinoija pitää suunsa kiinni tulevaisuuden vermeistä ennenkuin edes nykysukupolvi on tullut kauppoihin...

Minusta positiivista on tietää että kehitystä on tulossa, mutta siinä kyllä samaa mieltä että 'olisivat hiljaa ja antaisivat nyt edes Pega2:n tulla kauppoihin'. Tietysti maalailua tulevaisuuden koneista on mukava tehdä, mutta parempi tehdä se muulla tavalla :)


Perjantaina, 14. marraskuuta, 2003 - klo 12.42:   
Nice meeting!

We would like to come next year!

Could it be in a warmer month?

The third largest Pegasos concentration in the world is in Finland...:-)



: KimmoK :
Perjantaina, 28. marraskuuta, 2003 - klo 18.00:   
"We have decided to ship from DCE to Las Vegas and from there under the guise of the US flag to China. At the rate of 25,000 Pegasos a month we should have all $103 billion worth of Pegasos IIs there in just under 1000 years.


aaaah... happeaah ... kerään itse rippeitä lattialta ...



Perjantaina, 28. marraskuuta, 2003 - klo 19.02:   
mä naurahdin huolella kun luin ton töissä.. BBRV:llä on ilmeisesti huumorintajuakin


Perjantaina, 2. tammikuuta, 2004 - klo 15.27:   
Tämä on poimittu sitä ei vielä ole moderoitu joten laitan sen ennemmin tänne kokonaisena.. Jätän oman kommenttini erilliseen postiin..

Posted on 01-Jan-2004 22:27 GMT by bbrv (trusted user)

Happy New Year to Everyone!

We wish a great 2004 to any and all people reading this message. :-D

Here are our New Years Resolutions...

1. Spend more time contributing to and less time to ANN!

Without a doubt the best website of the year is The authors are well written, smart and funny. We have decided that there is too much animosity flowing through ANN so we have decided to stop posting serious information here. Undoubtedly, that will make some of you very happy. It is too bad. We have tried the "good" approach and the "bad" approach. The trolls have persisted and frankly it makes everyone (both sides) look bad. Just look at the trash that is here now -- blue, red, blue, red, etc. Crazy! There is no accountability and there is often a gross lack of responsibility. is often the same (but, not as bad). We have actually removed the links to ANN and from the Genesi site (see Marketing page). We have a product now and do need to put up with it any longer. It is just not worth it to expose the new people coming to the Pegasos and MorphOS (or any of the other operating systems running on the platform) to all the junk and jerks. You will find us in a serious vein exclusively on MorphOS-News and MorphZone now (and!).

2. Attack the big commercial markets

We have a real product now. After trying to work with the "Amiga Community" and the Community Resellers for some time we have decided to completely reorganize our program and approach. The people that are interested in MorphOS are involved. We have over 450 registered developers on the MorphOS Developer Connection. We have our own momentum. On the Resellers side, we will look forward to working with some and others would do better to just concentrate on alternatives. We are in the final stages of achieving design and commercial wins on big projects. We just do not have the time to lose on people that yield limited returns and require too much attention. We are looking for partners with initiative, creativity and ambition and nothing less.

3. Completely reorganize Genesi

Without a product it is hard to build a company. Now that we have one! We can finally do what needs to be done. We have been through a trial and error period with technology and with people too. Some we judged correctly and some not. In any case, the focus changes now and so will some of the personnel. In the meanwhile, personally, we have been through an awful period. Not only with the delays associated with the Articia, but with the former Pretory S.A. of Paris. The full story behind this company has not yet been released (and may never be) and a few issues still need to be resolved. These things take time. We posted some new information about this on MooBunny today (and that will be it). In any case, the final situation of Pretory will not effect Genesi. The Press is now on the right trail. Anyway, our next public statement will be about the new organization for Genesi. You can expect this before 15 January 2004.

In closing, we would like to add that as difficult as this period has been that we are both personally and commercially *very* proud to be working with Thomas and Gerald, the MorphOS Core Development Team and the hundreds of active, motivated and capable MorphOS Developers. It has been a challenging time for everyone and now things WILL change. Gerald and Thomas have done something that will bring credit to them for the rest of their lives and the same goes for Ralph and the whole Core MorphOS Development Team. We are very proud to be working with you.

Finally, Happy New Year and best wishes for a great 2004 to ALL readers!

R&B :-)


Perjantaina, 2. tammikuuta, 2004 - klo 15.42:   
On erittäin hyvä asia että BBRV lopettaa ANN:ssa ja pyörimisen. Muuhunkin sen energian olisi voinut käyttää.


Perjantaina, 2. tammikuuta, 2004 - klo 16.11:   
Toisaalta kuten joku ANN:ssa sanoi, niin tulee semmonen tunne, että Genesi ensin imi käyttäjiä ja developereita Amiga-yhteisöstä samalla pilkkoen yhteisön. Ja nyt kun on tuo oma "real product" niin nyt eivät enää tarvitse Amiga yhteisöä ja alkavat irrottautua siitä. Tolle on olemassa nimi: hyväksikäyttö. Tuo kuvaa oikeen hyvin sitä millanen tunne tosta tulee, Genesi on käyttänyt Amigisteja hyväkseen ajaakseen omia etujaan. Mitä Amigaa tuossa siis enää jää jäljelle, kun jo irrottautudaan yhteisöstäkin omille teilleen ?


Perjantaina, 2. tammikuuta, 2004 - klo 16.14:   
Tero: Hohhoijaa. Edelleen näemme mitä haluamme. En näe sinua huutamassa Amiga Inc.:n rahanlainaus-kampanjoista... :) Ne jos mitkä olivat törkeää hyväksikäyttöä.

Eiköhän anneta ajan näyttää missä määrin Genesi "välittää" ja missä määrin ei. Toistaiseksi ovat mielestäni välittäneet enemmän kuin tarpeeksi. Mielestäni mikään, paitsi ilkeämielinen spekulaatio, ei voi kommenteista vetää sellaista johtopäätöstä ettei Genesi välitä tai arvosta.

Ainakin käyttäjäryhmäaktiivina voin sanoa ettei koskaan tullut sellainen tunne että Genesi hyväksikäyttäisi, sieltä irtosi aina tukea ja apua paljon enemmän kuin Amiga Inc.:ltä tai siltä leiriltä yhteensä koskaan.

Your mileage may vary.


Perjantaina, 2. tammikuuta, 2004 - klo 16.29:   
Tero: No tervemenoa sitten.


Lauantaina, 3. tammikuuta, 2004 - klo 1.59:   
Okei.. tässä omaa näkemystäni..

Ensimmäinen kohta on vain hyvä asia.. BBRV on toheltanut liikaa netissä, ja ainakin minun laskelmieni mukaan aiheuttanut Genesille paljon kannatuksen menoa.

Kolmas on kanssa oikean suuntainen teko. Genesi on ollut sisältä sekaisin ja olen jo pitkään ihmetellyt milloin siellä saadaan jotain järjestystä aikaan. Eli jos homma järkeistyy ja alkaa rullaamaan paremmin se on plussaa.

Toinen kohta onkin sitten haasteellisempi arvioitava: Minua ainakin kiinnostaisi tietää miten tämä keskittyminen isoihin kaloihin vaikuttaa Genesin toimintaan MorphOS käyttäjien suuntaan...

Eli mitä tapahtuu Genesin tukemille (tai ainakin mainostamille) projekteille kuten Office-paketin saaminen MorphOS:lle, Java, muutamat pelit (Divine divinity ainakin)... Eli onko nämä vielä työn alla vai onko ne laitettu samaan pinoon kuin vuotta vanha idea Demo-gruuppien tukemisesta, joka ei muistaakseni koskaan päässyt käytännön tasolle saakka Geneisin nuukaillessa Pegasosten kanssa.


Lauantaina, 3. tammikuuta, 2004 - klo 4.48:   
No veikkaan että MorphOS:n SuperBundleen ei tule enää uusia ohjelmia. Ei ainakaan jos Genesin täytyy siitä maksaa.

Samalla myös varmastikin ilmaisten Pegasos-emolevyjen jakaminen tyssää lopullisesti. Se joku "oGALAXYo" taisi saada oman Pegasoksensa pari päivää sitten ja ehkä muutama demoilija saa vielä... Ehkä.

Muutoin Amigistien kissanpäivät ovat ohi. Ei edullisia tarjouksia, ei ilmaisia koneita, ei ilmaisia ohjelmia.

Joku varmasti ajattelee että Genesi kävi kuorimassa kerman päältä. Ehkäpä niin, mutta kyllä tuo Amiga-klooni minulle kelpaa aivan hyvin. Ja MorphOS-leiristä tulee varmasti edelleenkin hyviä ohjelmia myös vanhaa Amigaa käyttävien iloksi.


Sunnuntaina, 4. tammikuuta, 2004 - klo 0.52:   
itix: Hurjaa spekulaatiota. :) Uskon että muutoksia tulee, mutta lienee melko aikaista vetää liikaa johtopäätöksiä. Muutos tuo aina mahdollisuuksia - mennä parempaan tai huonompaan...


Sunnuntaina, 4. tammikuuta, 2004 - klo 2.25:   
Spekuloiminen on kivaa :) Mutta minusta kaikki viittaa siihen että BBRV:llä on tänä vuonna jotain järjellistäkin tekemistä ja PegPong:t ANN:ssa saavat jäädä. Keskitytään bisneksen tekoon ja niin edespäin.


Maanantaina, 5. tammikuuta, 2004 - klo 14.28:   
gary_c:ltä mielestäni hyvä ja tasapuolinen kommentti:

"> Considering that mysteriously dropped their genesi ads and then
> (after some discussion) put them up again, it seems to me like Genesi
> really is dropping out of the amiga market. Not like it's the first
> company to do that, but IMHO they were pretty slimy about it... go in, stir
> up trouble, pick up the talent and leave.

I don't know what the current situation is exactly, but you've got a lot of the history wrong IMHO. Genesi didn't "go in, stir up trouble, pick up the talent" etc. Genesi, or at least its component parts, originated in this market, remember? They go way back, which shouldn't have to be brought up again. About the second point, yes, bbrv likes stirring things up, but also keep in mind that early on they were branded IP thieves by Amiga, Inc. so the animosity originated as much from that side as from Genesi's. As for picking up talent, Genesi has been willing to work with people *much* more than Amiga, Inc. has, at least as far as Phoenix Developer Consortium members are concerned. Genesi has had a clue about seeding development and had the funds to do it, in contrast to Amiga, Inc.'s apparent idea that developers are an income source rather than a resource. Not everything panned out and there have been communication gaps at times and so on, but a lot of good has come out of it as well and it's hard to imagine what the remaining talent pool and project inventory (not to mention web site activity) would look like now if the Genesi influence hadn't been there. Probably more along the lines of other retro platforms more than something with a future of some kind.

As for leaving the market, it's common knowledge that the Amiga market is too small to support any new OS or hardware platform effort alone. The only question has been how a company would reach beyond it to new markets. I have no idea how Amiga, Inc. and its licensees intend to handle this other than trying to sell AOS and the AmigaOne/Lite boards to new users somehow. (The multi-platform "AOS5" is a pipe dream as far as I can tell.) I think Genesi has been disappointed with Pegasos sales in this market, so their expectations here have been reduced. I'm a little concerned that rather than leverage the support they have here, they'll just jettison everything in pursuit of new markets, which could be the same kind of dump-the-original-platform "focus switch" that led to Be, Inc.'s demise.

> I wonder if that was the plan
> from the start, or if they just ran out of money between the subsidized
> Pegasos 1s and the Amiga Inc lawsuits.

I don't think anybody would waste time and money doing what Genesi has done for the last couple of years just for jollies. They're neither rich enough nor twisted enough (despite some people's allegations). I also doubt if the Amiga-related lawsuits have been a significant drain on their resources--certainly not in comparison to their corporate problems in Europe; doesn't seem like there was that much billable time involved, and especially in the beginning, Amiga, Inc. was seen much more as an adversary and the Amiga reputation still had some value.

Of course the Pegasos has turned out to be much more expensive a project than anticipated, maybe not so much because of the selling price as the need to replace pre-April boards and design and build with new parts, resulting in the Pegasos II. This was also costly in terms of time. With the payoff from this expensive effort coming up short (in terms of demand for the product), all the hassles along the way, including the nonstop "bbrv is evil" sentiment from a significant part of the initial target market, have probably taken their toll and Genesi may be thinking this twisted little market just isn't worth the effort. And it isn't, of course. It is also true that bbrv brought on much of the bad feelings themselves with provocative posts, and from what I've seen, the communication in and out of Genesi on various levels isn't always as effective as it should be, so they aren't blameless by any means, in regard to maximizing the return on their effort. I just hope that something can be continued, with viable plans and worthy projects and people somehow going forward and leaving the dysfunctional stuff behind.

-- gary_c"


Maanantaina, 5. tammikuuta, 2004 - klo 14.37:   
Minusta alkaa tuntua siltä, että Genesi on tajunnut sen minkä itse hiffasin aikoinaan Amiga Inc.:n alkumetrien rekryihin liittyen - Amiga-yhteisö ei välttämättä ole paras paikka rakentaa kaikkea toimintaansa ja henkilöstöhankintojaan sen varaan. Innostusta täältä kyllä löytyy, mutta ei aina niitä parhaita ammattilaisia erinäisiin tehtäviin. Sama voi hyvin koskea jälleenmyyjiä - haluamatta vähätellä pienten omistautuneiden liikkeiden arvoa (ilman niitä ei varmaankaan olisi Amiga-yhteisöä nimeksikään enää)... pienet yhdenmiehenliikkeet eivät välttämättä ole paras tapa rakentaa uuden, massatuotteeksi tarkoitetun laitteen markkinoita.

Genesi yrittänee puhdistaa pöytäänsä jossain määrin virheellisiksi osoittautuneista yhteisöhankkeista. Parhaat yhteistyökumppanit ja henkilöstö joihinkin asioihin voi löytyä jostain muualta kuin Amiga-yhteisöstä, ja niin varmasti monessa tapauksessa onkin.

Henkilökohtaisesti toivon kuitenkin etteivät tee sitä virhettä, että katkaisevat siteet Amiga-yhteisöön. (Enkä kyllä oikeasti usko että näin käy, en näe mitään syytä miksi kävisi, vaikka rooli voikin hieman muuttua. Voin tietysti olla väärässä.) Täälläkin on paljon mahdollisuuksia, kunhan ne osataan suhteuttaa oikein muuhun bisnekseen - pienenä lisämarkkinana, mutta ei kaiken tukijalkana...


Tiistaina, 6. tammikuuta, 2004 - klo 18.38:   
Toinen hyvä kommentti gary_c:ltä:

"Actually the indications since the post at are that Genesi still sees the Amiga community as a resource and market. The Personal Paint deal, distribution of Pegasos boards to some of the demo groups, internal contact with Phoenix, etc. bear this out.

Like you say, you can't blame Genesi for wanting to distance itself from the wackos. I wouldn't want to point new customers to that craziness either, so removing the links from the corporate site was probably a good idea. But the message that started all of this could have been more diplomatic IMHO. I don't know what happened between the individuals involved; things should be clearer fairly soon."

Olen samaa mieltä.


Keskiviikkona, 7. tammikuuta, 2004 - klo 10.51:   
gary_c: "Actually I talked to greenboy on the phone this morning (a fairly infrequent event -- his computer is down temporarily) and this was one thing we talked about. I think the idea is to have more-focussed interaction between Genesi and the "Amiga community" rather than balloons being floated all over the place on various topics. It's been hard to get real information both because a number of websites have been used and because the signal to noise ratio is so bad a lot of the time. Anyway, as far as winning hearts and minds is concerned here, it seems like most people are set one way or another so it's really time to try to move the discussion to a more professional and productive level. BTW, there was talk at about bad feelings between bbrv and Christian, but this is absolutely not the case."


Perjantaina, 26. maaliskuuta, 2004 - klo 15.46:   
Well, Atheist, your post is a step in the right direction...

Thank you.

You promise to read just the Agreement and the posts we made on this thread and we promise to listen to and comment on your opinion. Plus, if you have some suggestions on how to make it less "impossible, to move over to MOS later on" we are ready to listen to that too. But, just know this: we are not trying to force anyone to do anything they do not want to do. First, we do not presume this and second it is not the way we are. You are free to make your own choices.

Go back to our earlier posts (2000-2002). Think about this Community and the people that are here and active. Are they the type of computer user that is going to be restricted by a EULA or worse a dongle? Recognize that this question is not an encouragement to piracy, it is just our understanding of the market. This is why we told Bill McEwen from the beginning that he needed to position himself WITH a hardware platform. You are welcome to bring OS4 to the Pegasos (assuming you legally obtain it). The OF should make that task definable and achievable. Likewise, we know MorphOS can run on the AmigaOne/Teron. As an early development partner with Mai we probably had the Teron at bplan before any one else in this Community. It works. The problems however are the same as they were on the Betatester and Pegasos I. This does not make for a perfect system. Good, but not good enough in our opinion for commercial success.

Back to the small fish in a small pond...this is precisely the reason why we are trying to break through to the embedded Linux development market with Motorola. From here we will seek to position ourselves as a solution for the PowerPC Linux Desktop market, but that will still not be enough. Hence, the discussion found in THIS THREAD. This should be something that everyone can get excited about. We need to lower the cost of the hardware by at least HALF if we are going to mount a serious effort to move to a bigger pond. Volume production, big partners and big projects lead to the success that will benefit all the Community. We are doing our best and you are welcome to contribute in any way you think you can.

Thanks for the conciliatory post. We appreciate it. You are as welcome here as anyone else and hard discussions are good. "As iron sharpens iron, so one man (or woman!) sharpens another."


Morph is more than an OS, its a CONCEPT!


Tiistaina, 6. huhtikuuta, 2004 - klo 11.36:   
Onkohan BBRV ollut taas asialla: uhkaus Cristian Kempiä ja ANN:ää vastaan?


Tiistaina, 6. huhtikuuta, 2004 - klo 16.02:   
KimmoK: Siltä vaikuttaa. Ei voi muuta sanoa kuin että kuuroille korville on mennyt minunkin mielipiteeni siitä että siltoja ei kannata polttaa. Vaikka en usko että oikeasti haastaisivat Kempin, en myöskään voi nähdä miten tästä seuraisi mitään positiivista. Typerä liike. bbrv erkaantuu todellisuudesta ja järjestä minkä kerkiää.


Tiistaina, 6. huhtikuuta, 2004 - klo 16.21:   
Totuus on kolmiteräinen miekka.. Tästä jutusta olemme näheet vain yhden särmän tähänmennessä, eikä sitäkään kovin hyvin, itse kirjoitus on tarkoituksellisen avoin ja vihjaileva.

Ilmeisesti kyse on BBRV:stä mutta sitä en tiedä mitä oikeasti tarkkaan ottaen on tapahtunut ja onko jotain ns. Lieventäviä asianhaaroja olemassa...


Tiistaina, 6. huhtikuuta, 2004 - klo 16.44:   
Joanna: Hörin lörin. Lieventäviä asianhaaroja on varmasti ilmassa, mutta selvä kaava on havaittavissa: bbrv ampuu itseään jalkaan riehumalla ja polttamalla siltoja. Tekee itselleen ihan turhaan hallaa ja ei välttämättä vain tajua sitä. Nöyryys ja anteeksianto vihollistenkin suuntaan voisi voittaa paljon.

bbrv:n pahin ongelma ei ole epärehellisyys, koska en usko että he ovat sitä, eikä edes hyvän tuotteen puute, koska bPlan on tehnyt hyvää työtä, mutta yksinkertaisesti luonne - he eivät vain tajua kuinka paljon hallaa tekevät itselleen kaikelle tällä. Ja tekevät PALJON.

Oma mogansa. Mitä muuta sitä voi enää sanoa.


Tiistaina, 6. huhtikuuta, 2004 - klo 16.46:   
Onkohan äijälle tullut burnout... silloin tuppaa tuo todellisuuden taju hämärtymään.


Jees. Saapa nähdä kun aikanaan BB kertoo oman puolensa tarinasta...

Yhteisöt tuntuu olevan yhtenä rintamana takomassa järkeä päähän. Voisiko sitä kautta koitua jotain hyödyllistä yhteisökehitystä... (no se on liikaa toivottu)


Tiistaina, 6. huhtikuuta, 2004 - klo 16.54:   

Kyllä on Buck:n jalka jo aika "siivilä". :)

Huonojalkaisia on kyllä jo aika monia.... voin kuvitella kuinka heillä eläkepäivät kuluvat rattoisasti vanhainkodissa kuulareikiä jaloistaan laskiessa ja siinä asiassa keskenään kilpaillessa.

Ei kai tuosta kohta voi alkaa muuta kuin uusi loiva noususuhdanne... Mitä Buck voi enään pahemmin mogata? Ajaa Ralphin tiehensä? Suututtaa Gardan?


Tiistaina, 6. huhtikuuta, 2004 - klo 17.13:   
>Mitä Buck voi enään pahemmin mogata?
>Ajaa Ralphin tiehensä? Suututtaa Gardan?

En sitten tiedä, tässä valossa bPlanin irtaantuminen Genesistä voisi olla hyväkin asia. Pelkäänpä vain että kassavirta tyrehtyisi entisestään sen seurauksena vaikka Pegasos-myynti voisikin yhteisössä saada hieman tuulta lisää...

Genesin johtajan vaihtaminen ei olisi huono idea. bbrv voisi jäädä kulisseihin tekemään töitä.


Tiistaina, 6. huhtikuuta, 2004 - klo 18.14:   
"bbrv voisi jäädä kulisseihin tekemään töitä."

On niin ulospäin suuntautunut kaveri että onnistuisikohan tuo?
Hänellä pitäisi olla joku oma kohde jonne ylitsepursuavan energiansa kippaisi.

Tykkään Amiga puolen nykyisestä järjestelystä sikäli että McEwen (näyttäisi) olevan nyt poissa AmigaOS fänien silmistä. Yksi vähemmän jonka puolesta/takia hävetä.


Tiistaina, 6. huhtikuuta, 2004 - klo 18.28:   
"Mitä Buck voi enään pahemmin mogata? Ajaa Ralphin tiehensä?"

Se tuskin olisi haitaksi... Ainakin minä luotan enemmän RS:ään :)


Tiistaina, 6. huhtikuuta, 2004 - klo 22.12:, postittajana ilmeisesti Poseidonin tekijä.

Posted by Chris Hodges ( on 06-Apr-2004 14:36:28
In Reply to Comment 5 (anon):
> then why does genesi always talk about resellers etc, relations etc.?

Because they have the habbit of ruining every good relationship they might have had. When I thought I've seen it all, bbrv never stop to amaze me in exceeding the expectations. This is just a long series of "faux-pas" (politely speaking), and does not seem to have an end. When will bbrv for once realize that there is *no* excuse for their egomanic behaviour? And no "oh, we have done so much good aswell" will balance this, because it is no scales of good and bad. Don't disrespect the people and don't try to cheat on them. Once trust is broken, it will never come back (so easily at last).

"Four things come not back: the spoken word, the spent arrow, the past, the neglected opportunity." (Omar Idn Al-Halif)

Why create something when it's so much easier to break it, huh? Stupid stupid stupid...


Keskiviikkona, 7. huhtikuuta, 2004 - klo 8.30:   

"Because they have the habbit of ruining every good relationship they might have had. When I thought I've seen it all, bbrv never stop to amaze me in exceeding the expectations. This is just a long series of "faux-pas" (politely speaking), and does not seem to have an end. When will bbrv for once realize that there is *no* excuse for their egomanic behaviour?"

Ihmisillä on hiljattain ollut tapana viedä sanat suustani... :)


Keskiviikkona, 7. huhtikuuta, 2004 - klo 15.20:   
>Ihmisillä on hiljattain ollut tapana viedä sanat suustani...

Ei muuta kun haastat oikeuteen, jos ne todella olivat sinun sanojasi :)


Keskiviikkona, 7. huhtikuuta, 2004 - klo 15.21:   
Jupp3: Loistava idea. :D


Keskiviikkona, 7. huhtikuuta, 2004 - klo 17.10:   
Herra alkaa taas pistään höyryä päälle...

BBRV @ morphzone:
We are designing a Pegasos Game console for MMOG that should have other qualities, including web browsing, file sharing and Voice/Video over IP capibility. Anything else? Thought about wireless adapters, web cams and CD/DVD R/W, etc. as plug-ins...

Proposal being developed now. Your ideas are WELCOME! What can we add that no one else does now? What cool game features does the "cool computing" system need to support?


Mitä MMOG tarkoittaa?

"Massive Multiplayer O? Game" Orgasm? :O
"MultiMedia Os Game" ?
"Mimic Market Of Garry" :)


Keskiviikkona, 7. huhtikuuta, 2004 - klo 17.53:   
"Modded Multiplayer Online Games"
Moisest apuhuttiin AW:ssä. Siitä kai myös BBRV puhuu.


Keskiviikkona, 7. huhtikuuta, 2004 - klo 17.59:   
My Motherfucking Overpriced Gameconsole


Torstaina, 8. huhtikuuta, 2004 - klo 6.11:   
Samat hiekkalaatikkoleikit jatkuu aina vaan...

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