Bbrv-watch III

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Kirjoittaja Viesti

Anu Seilonen
Sunnuntaina, 23. helmikuuta, 2003 - klo 18.50:   
Edit: Keskustelua siirretty ketjusta Bbrw-watch II pituuden vuoksi. -Thoriel


Sunnuntaina, 23. helmikuuta, 2003 - klo 18.29:   

Pegasos I (with April2) Promotion

1. If you are an existing Distributor there are a limited number of Pegasos machines available on a first to pay, first to receive basis. For example, if 300 boards are available (does NOT include the 100 set aside for Developers and exchanges) and Gunne Steen sends the funds to purchase all 300 boards on Monday he WILL get all of them. Any questions on pricing and quantities should be directed to Thierry Velasco at on Monday, 24 February.

2. If you already own a Betatester or Pegasos I (with April1) and have not exchanged it yet the priority will be given in this order:

a. Betatester 1

b. Betatester 2

c. Pegasos I with April1

All exchanges must be processed through your Distributor or Genesi directly. If you want to keep your machine you can of course ;-)

3. If you are a Developer:

· All Core MorphOS Developers will receive whatever they require.

· Outside Developers in North America: register with Phoenix, logon with your Phoenix registration user/password and you will be offered the special pricing.

· Outside Developers in Europe (to be added this week): register with Phoenix, logon with your Phoenix registration number and you will be offered the special pricing.

· Somewhere else: contact greenboy directly and he will coordinate this with us.

· In some cases Distributors can offer the promotional pricing, but this must be coordinated on a case by case basis. For example, a Developer may want the Pegasos mounted with memory, etc. This would be done by the Distributor at his normal rates.

3. If you are a Demo Scener:

Contact directly as we are coordinating this effort ourselves. Approved Sceners are eligible for complete systems, including case, hard drive, memory, etc.

4. If you are a User Group Organizer/Member

There are currently five User Groups approved for discounts:

ASUM (Association des Sympathiques Utilisateurs de MorphOS -- France), Bertrand Presles

SPUG (Snoqualmie Pegasos User Group -- USA), Bolton Peck

Finnish Amiga Users Group, Anu Seilonen

VPC (Victorian Pegasos Club -- Australia), Scott Pringle

New Zealand Pegasos User Group, Francois Prowse

To be approved, a User Group must have a history of activity, must agree to develop a Pegasos/MorphOS oriented website, and post regular meeting summaries and pictures on the site. All Pegasos sales will be coordinated only through the President/Organizer of the User Group. User Group Presidents may decide to add a surcharge to the cost of the Pegasos to their User Group Members to help defray the expenses of the group. This decision is completely at the discretion of the local President/Organizer.

The purchase procedure will be the same as mentioned above for Developers and can be coordinated through a Distributor. We will set aside a number of mainboards just for User Groups.

5. If you are a Journalist, the current program will remain in effect. Please contact the Program Coordinator Andre Siegel for details at

6. If you have developed a special Pegasos Pro-Gram we have approved, such as, the Capture the Frag Gaming Centre please contact us directly. FYI, the Business Plan and the local franchise for can be awarded to qualified individuals. Genesi will contribute to the financial development of the franchisees through low cost machines, software, free upgrades, etc. The Pro-Gram Producer will share the Franchise license fee revenue with Genesi and administers the Pro-Gram. In exchange, for equipment, upgrades, etc. the Franchisee will pay a license fee on profits. All interested should contact If you have a new idea, whether a business, a software application, a case design or whatever and you want to become a Pro-Gram Producer, please contact us. The process is simple: submit your idea, we develop a plan, Genesi syndicates the package to the Pegasos network and supports the idea, and we share in the profits.

Best regards,



Sunnuntaina, 23. helmikuuta, 2003 - klo 18.31:   
"must agree to develop a Pegasos/MorphOS oriented website"


Anu Seilonen
Sunnuntaina, 23. helmikuuta, 2003 - klo 18.53:   
KimmoK: Eiköhän meidän sivustomme ole ihan tarpeeksi Pegasos/MorphOS-myönteinen... BBRV ainakin tietää sen - tuskin muuten olisimme tuolla hyväksyttyjen ryhmien listalla. Pegasos on ollut sivustollamme esillä varsin hyvin, ja Pegasoksen ensiesittelyä Suomessa puffasimme aika lailla.


Sunnuntaina, 23. helmikuuta, 2003 - klo 21.14: .. Avoin kutsu testiin Hermanssille. (Omana kommenttina.. EI tuosta ainakaan rohkeutta puutu)

Posted by bbrv ( on 23-Feb-2003 17:40:10

Hi Ben, it is time for a showdown.

As there is no OS4 yet you can select the Linux distro and applications to be tested. We will select a couple applications too. You provide the latest, greatest Teron with G4. We will provide a G3 Pegasos with April2. We can test the boards togther and even do it live for the rest via internet.

You should not have a problem with this, right?



[Edit: Tarkennettu linkki tuohon kyseiseen haasteviestiin. -Thoriel]


Sunnuntaina, 23. helmikuuta, 2003 - klo 23.03:   
Joanna: bbrv voisi ensiksi vastata niihin Ben Hermansin samassa threadissa esittämiin asiallisiin kysymyksiin - tämä hiemanlapsellinen cowboy-tyyppinen 'kaksintaisteluhaaste' koettaa minusta vain siirtää huomion niistä pois.

Pegasos/MorphOS voi olla hieno tuote (ainakin se demo Sakussa oli ihan vaikuttava) mutta bbrv tekee kyllä parhaansa pitääkseen potentiaaliset asiakkaat (kuten minut) loitolla tämäntyyppisellä käytöksellään :(


Sunnuntaina, 23. helmikuuta, 2003 - klo 23.41:   
No, nuo kysymykset 1-4 ovat aika yksinkertaisia vastata kun edes hieman ajattelee itsekseen. Vinkki... Hermans ei ilmeisesti vielä tiedä asiaa, mutta ei ole ensimmäinen kerta kun hän missaa jotain täysin itsestäänselvää. :)

Viides.. Itse en tiedä minkä arvoinen tuo certifikaatti oikeasti on. Niitä kun on joka lähtöön enkä ole tutkinut sen tarkemmin mitä tuo oikeasti tarkoittaa. Joten sen kommentoimisen jätän niille jotka noita tuntevat.


Maanantaina, 24. helmikuuta, 2003 - klo 0.07:   
Joanna: Enpä keksinyt muita vastauksia kuin...
Genesi on saanut tiedot joltain A1G4XE betatestaajalta.

Sekö oli mielessäsi?


Maanantaina, 24. helmikuuta, 2003 - klo 1.45:   
KimmoK. Jotain tuontapaista siinä pitää olla.. Siis lähtisikö BBRV sinusta tuollaiseen stunttiin ilman minkäänlaista varmistusta? Jos lähtee niin sitten Hermans on ihan oikeassa kommenteissaan .. (niissä rumemmissa) :)

Mutta.. Kumminkin odotan todisteita. Väite on mittava ja ainakin minä haluan tietää onko siinä perää. Ja mielummin joskus kohtuullisen pian.


Maanantaina, 24. helmikuuta, 2003 - klo 11.04:   
Joanna: No ainakin tuntuu että bbrv ottavat melkoista riskiä tossa. Kovia ovat puheet. Kovilla ampuvat. Toivottavasti ei kosahda omalle naamalle. Ja jos kosahtaa niin ainakin perustelevat miksi olivat sitä mieltä ja esittävät sitten ne asiansa, ja myöntävät olleensa väärässä. Voihan virheitä sattua, mutta melkoista uhkapeliä kyllä tuokin...

Voisiko Teron olla oikeasti niin buginen roska ettei Eyetech/Hyperion tietäisi sitä, tai kertoisi siitä?

Ja mun mielestä toi on hyvä kysymys toi Hermansin eka. Onko niitä cachella varustettua prossumoduuleita kenelläkään vielä? Miten Genesi voi sanoa miten ne suoriutuvat?

(Ilmeisesti ilman sitä ne suorioutuivat onnettomasti koska cache on lisätty. Mutta luulisi että Genesi tietää hyvin että cache on lisätty... ajattelevatko ettei se sittenkään toimi?)

Popcornit vaan puuttuu. :-)


Maanantaina, 24. helmikuuta, 2003 - klo 12.04:   
Janne: "Onko niitä cachella varustettua prossumoduuleita kenelläkään vielä?"

A1G4XE betatestaajilla on moiset.
Ja kuulemma cachet on päällä, mutta tehoista ei vielä kunnon näyttöjä.

Itsekin tuossa pähkäilin että L2 välimuistin käsittelyä voisi haitata bugi joka ei käytännössä näy jos L3 on lisäksi mukana.

Ja joo, popkornit on muuten paikallaan, taas, mutta tänään ei ole oikein mielialat sillä tasolla.


Maanantaina, 24. helmikuuta, 2003 - klo 13.51:   
KimmoK: Älä sure.. tämä on semmoista soppaa että tästä riittää joka viikonpäivälle ainakin siihen saakka kunnes niitä emoja ja prossuja on tavallisilla ihmisillä saakka. On vain kolme tapaa jolla tuon nyt saa loppumaan.

1) BBRV ottaa tuon puheen/haasteen takaisin. Tosin siitä syntyisi sitten sen kokoluokan haloo ettei meteli ainakaan vähenisi.
2) Hyperion/Eyetech lähtee mukaan. Tämän jälkeen alkaisikin kisa siitä miten/missä/kuka testin hoitaa käytännössä.
3) Nyt teossa olevat laitteet tulevat myyntiin ja asiasta kiinnostuneet yksityiset pääsevät kokeileimaan ja vertailemaan omiaan.
Teoriassa olisi myös mahdolista että kaikki unohtaisiat asian ennen koneiden tuloa mutta en usko että sitä ainakaan tapahtuu vaikka ihmisten muisti onkin Amigaan liittyvissä asioissa tunnetusti lyhyt. :)

Hermans muuten alkoi peruutella ja väittää ettei se ole heidän laitteensa.. Kun muistaa että kaiken ajan tähän saakka hän on toiminut koko projektin äänitorvena (ja että he ovat tehneet kaikki softat laitteelle boottikoodista linuxiin) tuo tuntui hieman oudolta. No, pitänee kysyä häneltä kuinka se nyt niin... Kumminkin kyseinen haaste pitäisi olla helppo voittaa jos BBRV puhuu kukkua.


Maanantaina, 24. helmikuuta, 2003 - klo 18.30:   
Can we clear up a few details?

1. We will provide a G4 module for Pegasos I owners -- we will no longer make the Pegasos I after we produce the next 400-450 (that number did not change - just remember we are "recycling" Betatester and April 1 boards). That means there will not be a Pegasos I G4 release, BUT we can still offer a G4 module. Alternately, Pegasos I purchasers will have the 200 Euro upgrade package to the Pegasos II (with trade-in).

2. This does not mean that someone else might make the Pegasos I. We will most likely license the board design with the new Articia (if it works as it should) to another manufacturer - like Plexuscom for example.

3. The STB "deal" pays for everything, so that we do not have to anymore (whew!). Do any of you actually have any idea how much a development costs or to run a day-to-day business? Nothing changes, we just have an opportunity for growth now. The desktop, the home and business server, and the handheld markets are all in the plan -- one step at a time. The core technology -- the Pegasos and MorphOS -- develops and evolves. Everything is given the opportunity to improve and reach a level where it can be competitive in the broader market. (BTW, did any of you notice just how many video game consoles, satellite television recievers, and cable set-top boxes were sold last year? It is a BIG number! Psst....THE STB IS A CASE WITH A PEGASOS INSIDE RUNNING MORPHOS!

4. OpenBSD now works on the Pegasos. More to come!

5. About the units we are now selling -- as of today there are roughly 230 left. You have received confirmation from us if you have boards coming to you. We have dealers that have not paid us for earlier purchases and these boards will only go to those that pay (this is a still a business). Aside from the boards to be sold, all core MorphOS Developers will get boards, all Phoenix members will get boards, and, anyone who has pre-paid a Dealer will get a board. We did not accept pre-payments ourselves, but some Dealers have. If we know about it we can assist you. If not, sorry! All the other possibilities will be decided on a case-by-case basis. For example, we have awarded six boards already to Demo Scene Teams and 35 to User Groups -- User Groups have to already have been in existence!

Remember, this is more about the future than a business now for us (but, it still is). We are trying to find a good balance between the present and the future?

You see, we do have a "present" for you too!

Kind regards,


P.S. Anyone can buy a board and test it against or with anything they want -- we are fully open! Cheers!

Last Note: Watch those webstats....lets see what happens! Nothing against MorphOS-News (as you can see it featured at the top). We just wanted to see what would happen here, since it is the first real day of the MorphZone! Again, GREAT JOB! Thanks to all of you who assisted in making this happen!


Maanantaina, 24. helmikuuta, 2003 - klo 21.18:   
1) Heh! Erittäin positiivinen takinkäännös.
3) Jaa, vai niin. Ja juuri kun MOS tietäjät vahvistivat että STB on ihan jotain muuta kuin pegasos... noh, aivan sama.


Tiistaina, 25. helmikuuta, 2003 - klo 1.56:   
Ok.. Julkista testiä ei tule, Hermans ei halua tuhlata aikaa sellaiseen tyhmyyteen. linkki

No, tuosta voi jokainen vetää ne päätelmät mitä itse kukin haluaa. Itse odotan laitteiden tuloa laajempaan myyntiin lähiviikkoina että asian saa tarkistettua.

KimmoK. Juu.. En väitä ymmärtäväni täysin enkä aina. Mutta jos ne Pegasos1 saa asialliseen hintaan ja on olemassa kohtuullinen mahdolisuus Pegasos2:seen niin... No :)


Tiistaina, 25. helmikuuta, 2003 - klo 2.05:   
KimmoK. Että homman saisi sekaisin oikein kunnolla.. kannattaa lukea tuon morphzone artikkelin kommentit..

" Re: Pegasos G4 Part II

Martin, you are right!

The picture on MorphOS-News is the Plexuscom case. This some have called the STB.

The first DTV STB is as you said -- but now we are developing THREE versions! The last one is the same as the Plexuscom Pegasos (but, probably with a new northbridge!).

Thanks for pointing that out and for giving us the chance to post more information...

R&B "

Siis DTV-STB on joku minimaalinen laite.. Sitten on Plexuscom-Pegasos ... Ja? :)


Tiistaina, 25. helmikuuta, 2003 - klo 8.08:   
Joanna: No se STB homma kirkastuu.

Mielestäni AmigaOS:n tapaisella ja Amiga sovelluksia ajavalla laitteella on mahdollisuuksia STB yms sulautetulla sektorilla. Valmiina kun on paljon valmista ajettavaa softaa, kunhan käyttöliittymän saa tweakattua sopivaksi.

On järjetöntä että kaiken maailman yritykset, Nokia mukaanlukien, "keksii pyörää" aina yhä uudestaan. Eli ottaa uuden käyttisplatformin jolle on 0 sovellusta ja alkaa siitä kasata systeemiä, saateri mitä tuhlausta. (Mediaterminalin Linux ehkä osoitti sen olevan turhan raskas -> laitteesta tuli liian kallis myytäväksi)

AI ei ikinä käsittänyt tuota AOS mahdollisuutta hyödyntää, onneksi edes Genesi käsittää. Lycka till.


Tiistaina, 25. helmikuuta, 2003 - klo 17.18:   
Hello Grunt,

You really have missed a few major issues in your post.

1. We have NEVER accepted any pre-payment for ANY Betatester or Pegasos, G3 or G4. Further, we have never sold a G4 as a G3.

2. The G4 works today on the Pegasos and the Teron. The problem is it does not perform as it should. There are a number of reasons including the lack of altivec implementation and the inconsistencies in the performance of the northbridge. You can verify this through any number of sources. We even had a G4 at the WOA in the UK in November 2002. Anyone who ask about it saw it. It works, but not well. Why sell it like this?

3. Neither Eyetech or TerraSoft will begin selling the G4 until these problems are solved. As we have said, watch what happens. As much as we do not like Alan Redhouse or Kai Staats personally, we are sure they are not dishonest to their customers and will not make this critical business mistake (we did mention this in the not Mai without April announcement in December). Let time judge what happens next. Simple, just wait and see...

4. In the meanwhile, anyone can test the G3 Pegasos as it is running today against anything else. You can buy a G3 Pegasos yourself if you are a registered Phoenix Developer for $299. If you have some unique coding skills and we need you on the core MorphOS team you can have a Pegasos at NO cost (possibly even configured with a heard drive, memory, case, etc.).

5. We will provide a G4 module for Pegasos I owners -- we will no longer make the Pegasos I after we produce the next 400-450 (see the difference -- BTW, that number did not change - just remember we are "recycling" Betatester and April 1 boards). That means there will not be a Pegasos I G4 release, BUT we can still offer a G4 module. Alternately, Pegasos I purchasers will have the 200 Euro upgrade package to the Pegasos II (with trade-in).

Quick questions: a) when have you ever heard of an upgrade package that "good?" b) did you notice that this is the second time we have upgraded at no additional hardware cost to the buyer?

6. All this does not mean that someone else might make the Pegasos I. We will most likely license the board design with the new Articia (if it works as it should) to another manufacturer - like Plexuscom for example.

7. Finally, who ever mentioned 18 months? We will layout a new board with a new northbridge, in the meanwhile our developers and users are getting something very good, but not state of the art. MorphOS development, improvement, etc. will continue. The next Pegasos will be as good as anything available in the market for certain things and so will MorphOS. Just keep watching from the grandstands where you are...;-)

Frankly, Grunt, we do not need you or the other Anonymous Cowards lurking around here to continue to advance as we are. Everything is moving along without you. Have you noticed...;-) There are many Pegasos machines running MorphOS, Linux, and now OpenBSD IN the market. Your posts have no value other than giving us a chance to answer to your misconceptions and ill-founded statements.

@Another Atheist Miky is coming to Paris to get his board and discuss how to market the Pegasos in Italy. Where have you been?


P.S. We arrived this morning to find two new bank transfer confirmations from buyers. There are now 195 Pegasos machines left to purchase...;-)


Tiistaina, 25. helmikuuta, 2003 - klo 17.19:   

We understand this reason for being "anonymous" -- it is just the senseless, baseless name calling and FUD that drives these threads into the ground (example Anonymous, who is probably someone who would be extremely embarassed if everyone knew who he really was).

Anyway, we won't be posting anything more about Kai. He comes from a great family. We just do not see him as a partner any longer. Eyetech should beware. Kai has an Amiga background and did not label the Teron as a Boxer for nothing....;-)

Now, we all need to get back to work!



Tiistaina, 25. helmikuuta, 2003 - klo 23.01:   
Kakan jauhantaa north bridgestä, mukana myös bbrv ... nyt on tainnut mennä pillerit ihan sekaisin (ei kuitenkaan eniten bbrv:llä).

[Edit: Linkki korjattu. -Thoriel]


Tiistaina, 25. helmikuuta, 2003 - klo 23.05:   
Pikkupelien tekijöille töitä.


Tiistaina, 25. helmikuuta, 2003 - klo 23.12:   
KimmoK: olisi vain sopiva kone muutenhan tuossa ei olisi pulmia. Vai pitääkö tehdä amigalle peli jonka sitten jotkut muut porttaa.Hehe! :)


Tiistaina, 25. helmikuuta, 2003 - klo 23.29:   
Paitsi vähäsen se että olen koodauksessa alussa.


Torstaina, 27. helmikuuta, 2003 - klo 10.59:   
Hi Steve, hi Frederik,

We think you are missing the point. Consider these next 400-450 Pegasos machines as the next step toward a broader consumer market and as a Development Platform. We will be changing the northbridge for the Pegasos II. This is the product that will be directed for the mass market -- not the current version. In the meanwhile, MORE IMPORTANTLY, the engineering and the organization behind the Pegasos and MorphOS have enabled Genesi to achieve an agreement to produce a Digital Television Receiver based on the PPC and MorphOS. We will be producing the first 150,000 of these units ourselves. We had to demonstrate that as a Company we could complete such a development and achieve it. We did this spite of many obstacles and this is why in the end we won the contract. Big companies are not in the habit of awarding small companies multi-million Euro development contracts and purchase orders. The qualification and authentication process is time consuming and strenuous. We did it. Now, we are moving ahead!

OK, so what do we do now. First, we need to deliver to the BIG customer what they want. As published to the mailing list we need to organized a suite of games (and eventually other applications) for this DTV STB. This first STB is a very simple platform, but it is starting point. Frederik, we would like to be working with you and Coder and the rest of the Flying Paper team on this (although how is Coder going to do this from Thailand?!). Can you understand that Apple too began one step at a time? Wozniak and Jobs made the first 200 Apple Computers in the gargage of Job's parents. We are a little farther than that and gathering momentum every day.

Back to the Pegasos, we think that the Pegasos I is fully suited to do the current job we have for it. It works very well and it peforms better and better with each OS update. Beyond MorphOS, our Debian Team (20 developers) is about to go to work on our next Debian distro (of course, Mac-on-Linux will continue to be featured). You can follow that progress at . You will also read about OpenBSD now running on the Pegasos there too.

We have targeted Developers, Demo Sceners and User Groups with this release of the Pegasos I because we still need to fine-tune everything. It is similar to what we did with the Betatester Program, but on a much more complicated scale because we are now perfecting more than the hardware and the OS. For example, we are establishing a broad web based sales and support strategy. We are going in a Dell-like way (not Compaq). Thus, we need to produce better documentation, more online resources, and build or port a full suite of applications (including a tool kit for our home based CBM like users). This takes time and talent. We are looking for the right people NOW. We are finding them by posting this kind of information and selling the Pegasos to these people for $299/299 Euros. We are moving ahead confidently and in large steps.

Plus, we will sell a G4 module upgrade to the Pegasos I or we will offer a Pegasos II with G4 module with Pegasos I trade in for 200 Euros to say thanks for helping us. We already have something else planned for those old Pegasos machines that get traded in...;-)

So, in a few words we hope you see the plan more clearly now. We have Pegasos I today. We are going to make it better. We will offer a number of operating systems and corresponding applications in a broad consumer release. Doing something too soon would potentially damage our one shot at the big time -- we are going for that with the Pegasos II. In the meanwhile, we have another project for a DTV STB that INSURES the financial stability of the Company. This gives us the ability to solidify our contractual obligations with our business partners, developers and employees and build a SOLID foundation for the future. Can you understand this? :-) Stability has been missing around here for sometime and we are bringing it back.

We understand that there may be many that do not want to be part of our "development" process. We understand this. No problem. We only have 85 Pegasos I machines left to sell. It does not seem to be a problem for a fair number of future users!

If that does not finally, make things clear read AMIGAplus!

...or send an email to


Raquel and Bill

P.S. As we have said many times, eventually if there is an OS4 it WILL one day run perfectly on the Pegasos without a dongle. BUT, we won't do that and will not need to support the effort, one of you smart gals or guys will sort this out. Of course, you could start discussing this on ...;-)


Torstaina, 27. helmikuuta, 2003 - klo 14.01:   
Lisää samasta threadista...

Hi Michael, simple answer: because there are some people who want OS4 on the Pegasos. It will happen -- dongle or not. Why not do it in an organized fashion? Why not do it legally? We have offered Hyperion a Pegasos. The Developers working on OS4 are good people. What is the big deal? The Pegasos springs from Amiga Community roots much more true than the alternative hardware being offered. Anyone who has been here for a while knows that, plus the Pegasos has attracted widespread support (in and outside the Community). The Pegasos was developed by Amigans for Amigans. Unfortunately, the different parties could not work together. OK, now we have MorphOS, never mind, try again. Why keep bickering? MorphOS has a future, why shouldn't OS4?


How can anyone take that badly?


Hi z5, this is not a publicity stunt. Of course people could be interested in both systems! But, seriously this is not a big market. Right now today there MIGHT be 400 to 500 more Pegasos machines sold if the Pegasos had OS4 running on it (if OS4 was ready). The profit on those sales would not even cover the payroll of Genesi for two weeks. Double or even multiply that number by ten if you want. There is NOT a real business here in this market today that can support a stable commercial operation. This is about the future. This is about infusing the Amiga spirit back into the Amiga Community and building something NEW. With a solid base of users and developers we could create something VERY special -- together.

Ben has a day job, but we will send him an email today and ask him officially if you think that will help. Hyperion will most likely own the intellectual property of the classic Amiga OS eventually. Certainly, they will want to sell OS4 to anyone with a PPC platform. The Pegasos Family of products will be their biggest target market.

Best regards,


OK, email sent to

Best regards,



Torstaina, 27. helmikuuta, 2003 - klo 14.04:   
If you are interested in the Game Team and information related to this Development, please subscribe to

"Yearly payments" means a guarenteed minimum payment (monthly or as needed) for developers that develop and syndicate their games with Genesi. No joke...;-)

Best regards,



Pasi M
Torstaina, 27. helmikuuta, 2003 - klo 22.08:   
Täytyy sanoa, että R&B:n jutut lämmittävät mieltä. Todella tuntuu siltä, kuin tuosta voisi tulla jotakin, ja ilmassa on jotain erityistä. Tai sitten kyse on vain hyvistä puhelahjoista :-)

Ajatus Pegasoksen tilauksesta viehättää, mutta taitaa olla parempi, että koneita riittää developereille ja osaaville harrastajille ensin.

Me mattimeikäläiset käymme sitten katettuun pöytään (ja maksamme istumapaikasta täyden hinnan :-)


Pasi M
Torstaina, 27. helmikuuta, 2003 - klo 22.12:   

kiitos kaikille ja erityisesti Jannelle, että jaksatte näitä viestejä tänne raportoida.

Olisi muuten mielenkiintoista tietää, onko SAKUn kotisivujen kävijämäärät menossa mihin suuntaan nyt kun Amiga-scenessä tapahtuu. Ainakin viihdettä on tarjolla joka illalle :-)


Torstaina, 27. helmikuuta, 2003 - klo 23.33:   
Pasi M: Onhan tässä ollut monet kerrat tunne että pitäisi olla jättipurkki popcorneja kun noita touhuja seuraa (ja joskus on ollutkin + sopivaa juotavaa :)

Tulevaa Pegasos-2 hinnoittelua on paha tietenkään ennakkoon arvailla mutta ainakin minusta BBRV on tällä nykyisten laitteiden hinnoittelulla osoittanut etteivät he halua ahnehtia pikavoittoja pieneltä asiakaskunnalta vaan tasoittavat kulut isompaan erään. Eli uskon että pyrkimys kohti oikeasti kilpailyukykyistä konehintaa jatkuu.


Perjantaina, 28. helmikuuta, 2003 - klo 11.17:   
Niin, ja se $200:n "päivitysmaksu" Pegasos I => Pegasos II ei kuulosta yhtään pahalta...

Tuostahan voi laskea, että (periaatteessa) Pegasos II:n saa hintaan 499,- (299+200) :)

Miten joku voi tuosta valittaa... Aiemmin tuhon $200 hintaan piti saada G3 prosessorikortti vaihdettua G4:n, nyt samalla rahalla tarjotaan mukaan vielä parempi emolevy...


Perjantaina, 28. helmikuuta, 2003 - klo 12.01:   
Jupp3: Ja vallankin kun pohjakortin hintakin on pudonnut >500E myyntihinnasta hinnasta 350E paikkeiille (sis ALV+posti). Eli käytännössä sillä hinnalla millä viimetalvena myytiin Pegasos-1:stä G3 prossulla pitäisi sitten (jos olen ymmärtänyt) ensi syksynä tulla Pega-2+G4 ...

Ainiin.. Isompi asia. BBRV ilmoitti ettei Hyperioni suostu minkäänlaiseen keskusteluun yhteistyöstä joten ainakin toistaiseksi OS4 saanti Pegasoksille on sitten siinä. Laitan siitä tuohon perään oman postinsa johon kopioin sen viestin. Siinä on myös muuta mielenkiintoista. Mm infoa siitä STB-purkista jolle pelejä ollaan haluamassa.


Perjantaina, 28. helmikuuta, 2003 - klo 12.07:   
Pitkä mutta sisällökäs viesti BBRV:ltä Tässä


Posted by bbrv ( on 28-Feb-2003 07:40:15
In Reply to Comment 84:

Good Morning,

Let this be the end of the story for now. As you can see there is absolutely no interest from the Developers of OS4 to work with us. They are not interested in the Pegasos and they have no interest in cooperating with us. The private emails sent to Ben remain unanswered. We have been provided no means to reach Hyperion and they have no office to call on. As far as we are concerned, they have rejected our assistance again. Please no longer accuse Genesi of being insincere about working with those developing OS4. We have tried to do so.

OS4, if it is ever finished and delivered to the market with a dongle, will be hacked. We are not encouraging this. It is simply a fact. The dongle strategy is based on ignorance. To the contrary, we have suggested a proper legal approach. Today, here, everyone has testimony to the result of this effort. This is not a publicity stunt. These are facts. Read the thread again in case you missed something. Eventually, possibly the only thing that will save the OS4 development will be to make it open source. Think about it.

We know where you were employed Ben -- now everyone else does too. Our lawyers in Paris confirmed this just after you visited us in Paris last year. In English and in American convention, you are a legal clerk. You can call it whatever you want. What does your business card say? You are not a lawyer as you style yourself to be. Do not mistake us, your job is important and as we have told you privately in our last email exchanges in March and April 2002 and publicly, you are an intelligent young man. We hope your current work goes well. The world needs a way to solve big problems in a moral and legal way and you are part of that. Thanks!

As for my education, you can read about it here: I was learning how to program with batch cards and Fortran when you were in kindergarten. My Engineering degree and my certification as a practicing engineer makes my education satisfactory by most standards. While there, I spent one summer on a Crossroads Africa Program teaching Physics to high school students and helping to build a school in northwestern Kenya. Another summer I spent learning how to jump out of airplanes, serving in the 82d Airborne Division and participating in an exchange program with Eloy Alfaro, the Military Academy of Ecuador. During the academic year after class, I played American Football, rugby, soccer, team handball, boxed, learned to scuba dive, etc. Certainly, if you want to discuss other things we can. Why don't we start with Aristotle's summary of moral virtues. Concerning ambition where would you sit between the extremes of the vice of deficiency and the vice of excess?

About my military background...I actually resigned my commission as a Major (Commandant for the French). That is one grade above Captain. Here is something I posted recently to just to make sure you understand my mentality...


On this list we really have people from all over the world. This is very important to us. The world is a great place, but it needs a little help. Our games should have this in mind. We want thoughtful skill oriented games that require online cooperation with people from "other" places. Maybe, one day we will have a language toggle. Ever seen a United Nations meeting with every Diplomat wearing an earphone so he can hear everything in his native language and speak in his own? Imagine what a little communication and a common purpose might enable...;-) OK, that is the future...

In the meanwhile, we want everything else too -- BUT -- we will definitely want a "gore" switch. Having played a few sports in my life and been a real "Airborne Ranger" I think there is too much illusion in video games. Pain hurts. Heroic effort expended in a seconds requires years of disciplined physical and mental training. The human insensitivities promoted in "death by seconds" is not something that is going to make things better. There are too many kids today walking into schools with guns and using them. Raquel and I do not want to be part of that. Sorry, but as much as we appreciate the effort of guys like James Daniels, Payback needs a new theme. The "good guys" and the "bad guys" need to be switched in our opinion. If you put "junk" into a brain, eventually that is all you get out of it. Games are a good place to start a better trend.


One last note about this subject for our European friends -- we understand the reluctance to support any kind of military action given Europe's last 200 years. However, as we have said before: as long as there are bad guys that do bad things, there have to be good guys that can do bad things better...;-)

It is really to bad for the OS4 Development that we cannot work together. The DTV STB we are developing is a simple STB that receives digital television signals. You people in the UK know the system. Imagine a Free-to-View SetPal STB with a PPC and MorphOS. It will have the 250MHz 403 (the embedded version of the 603 -- remember the Blizzard?). INEXPENSIVE is the driver in the first version. The RAM is still a question of cost, but the games will have at least 16MB for themselves. The controller is one that accepts remote control inputs (so anything that can do that using IR) and the resolutions are standard PAL or quarter PAL (Amiga high rest and low res). We want to be able to have a game running in two thirds of the screen while the TV is still running in the background. That is what we start with. We are not trying to be an PS2 or XBOX here...not yet...;-)

Anyway, that is the end of the Pegasos OS4 effort for now. Perhaps, you have something more to say Ben? Why don't you answer the email? Or, maybe, you should just stick to Quake and continue in your fantasies of real life.

As for anyone else that is interested in being involved in the efforts of Genesi, please continue to send us emails. Forgive us if we do not answer you right away. Thank you for your interest and support.


Raquel and Bill (or maybe I should sign Wolf im Schafspelz...;-) )


Perjantaina, 28. helmikuuta, 2003 - klo 13.29:   
Joanna: Got to RESPECT that...


Perjantaina, 28. helmikuuta, 2003 - klo 17.05:   
Anteeksi että poikkean topicista, mutta minun on kyllä pakko kysyä tämä, mikä on jo pidempään mieltäni vaivannut: Siis miten ihmeessä teillä ihmiset riittää aika noiden kaikkien foorumeiden ja postituslistojen seuraamiseen??? :) :) :) Ei sillä, etteivätkö olisi kiinnostavia.


Perjantaina, 28. helmikuuta, 2003 - klo 17.08:   
Markus: No kun tekee töitä netin ääressä niin välillä ehtii lipsahtaa. No oma on firma, en tuhlaa muiden rahoja. ;)


Perjantaina, 28. helmikuuta, 2003 - klo 18.01:   
Iitselläni ei oikeen aika tahdo riittääkään kun ei ole tällähetkellä nettiä kotona.. Sakufoorumia ja ANN:ä ehtii kyllä hyvin lukea, mutta kun olen lisäksi postituslistoilla MUI, SDL-Amiga, Amiga MySQL, AmigaOne, Morphos, AmigaOS4, Mediator. Niin ei oikeen riitä aika noiden lukemiseen :)
Tulee monesti vain vilkaistua mailien otsikot, luettua mielenkiintosilta näyttävät ja lopuille sit vaan deleteä :)
Päivisin ja iltaisin aika menee koululla, mutta kyllä sitä taukojen aikana rhtii lueskella näitä.


Perjantaina, 28. helmikuuta, 2003 - klo 18.12:   
Pikasesti laskien on taas parituhatta lukematonta postituslistoilta tullutta mailia tuol maililootassa :) Eikä oo kun viikko kun siivosin ton :)


Perjantaina, 28. helmikuuta, 2003 - klo 18.41:   
Digestille on löytynyt käyttöä näinä päivinä. Jos olisi tiennyt että esim. A1+OS4 viivästyvät noin paljon, niin tuskin olisin vuosi sitten listalle liittynyt :)


Perjantaina, 28. helmikuuta, 2003 - klo 20.58:   
Itse luen esim. ANN:stä vain mielestäni merkittävien/järkevien/mielenkiintoisten persoonien postaukset. Eli tutkailen list näkymän kautta. samaan tyyliin selaan mielenkiintoisten tyyppien postaukset, esim sinivalkoinen perhonen on helppo bongata listasta. Ja sitten esim. A1 listalla teen aika ajoin haun alan redhousen postauksista, säästyn 99% turhalta jaskalta. Saku foorumilta vilkaisen "viimeisen päivän aikana" tulleet postaukset jne...

Yleensä jos jossain on mielenkiintoinen säpinä päällä, sinne on myös linkki täällä sakun forumissa.

Ja kun nuo sydeemit on linkkki-ikonina pöydällä, niihin pääsee pikana käsiksi, samalla kun kahvikuppiaan hämmentää.


Perjantaina, 28. helmikuuta, 2003 - klo 21.19:   
Todetaan tässä, että en toki arvostele ketään noiden foorumeiden ja listojen seuraamisesta - ihan mielenkiintoistahan se on - ihmettelen vain, että aika riittää, kun tuota aineistoa on niin paljon ja kuitenkin ihmisillä on pitkin päivää paljon muutakin tekemistä.


Sunnuntaina, 2. maaliskuuta, 2003 - klo 19.43:   
Aika paljon bbrv:tä täällä:


Sunnuntaina, 2. maaliskuuta, 2003 - klo 20.45:   
Listoista senverran että C1 -postituslistalle liityin ihan uteliaisuuttani. Ainoa vaan että CommooreOne on senverran vaiheessa että keskustelu on aika turhanaikaista.


Sunnuntaina, 2. maaliskuuta, 2003 - klo 20.53:   
Juttelin yli tunnin tänään Greenboyn kanssa ja paljon muunmuassa Buck&Velasco kaksikosta. Hän tapasi kaksikon CES messuilla ja vietti pitkänkin tovin jutellessa. Ainakin Greenboy on sitä mieltä että bbrv on ihan ok jengiä, ja vannoutuneita sille asialle mitä ovat ajamassa. Pahoitteli esimerkiksi kaikkea ryönää mitä niskaansa (usein turhaankin) saavat.
Tietysti, tuo nyt on vain yhden henkilön mielipide, mutta ainahan sitä on varaa puhua jostain kenet on oikeasti tavannut eikä vain lukenut kirjoituksia.

Omakohtaisena kokemuksena on takana aika paljonkin kommunikaatiota herran kanssa, ja vaikuttaa ihan mukavalta mieheltä. Ja jossain on ollut juttua että Buck tekisi oman mielen mukaan oli kyse mistä tahansa, itse hämmästyin miten miltei kaikki ehdottamani asiat ovat menneet läpi ilman kummempia mukinoita.


Sunnuntaina, 2. maaliskuuta, 2003 - klo 21.10:   
Hooligan: Samantapaisia ovat omat kokemukseni. Fiksun ja kokeneen tuntuinen mies. Toki, "luonnetta" löytyy, mutta ei se mies tunnu pelkkää luonnetta olevan - substanssiakin tuntuisi löytyvän.


Maanantaina, 3. maaliskuuta, 2003 - klo 12.38:   
Interesting reading...

We have to take exception to one thing mentioned in the Sven Harvey article on Page 4. Please see email below from Jolyon Ralph which should set some of the record straight:

------ Forwarded Message
From: "Jolyon Ralph"
Date: Wed, 26 Feb 2003 18:51:59 -0000
Subject: RE: [GameTeam] RE: Game Team on thread

Hello All

A quick introduction to those who don't know me...

I'm Jolyon Ralph, I was Technical Director of Almathera Systems, who
published stuff for Amiga, CDTV and CD32 between 1992 and 1997. I was
involved directly in projects such as Photogenics and Video Creator and I
did a lot of work on things you have never seen, or never saw the light of
day, such as work with Carl Sassenrath developing the graphics library
subsystem for an amiga-based set-top-box that never saw the light of day. We
also had a lot of little games and projects in development which would be
ideal for this new projects. Noone here except me has ever seen "Katch the
Kat". That'll probably be my first port to this box as it was entirely
written in C. I hope you'll enjoy it :)

Before that I wrote lots of articles on Amiga 68000 programming and all
sorts of other things for magazines such as Amiga Computing, Amiga Format,
Amiga Shopper, Amiga User International, etc.

Oh, and a quick word about the rumours about Almathera/Viscorp - a lot of
things were said about the demise of Almathera and viscorp's part in it,
some attributed to me, which were simply not true. If they were true I
wouldn't be so happy to be working with Bill again, and I'm certainly happy



Concerning Optonica, they were actually paid quite well and in full by VisCorp.

We have asked Sven to check his sources better in the future.

Thanks Jolyon for allowing us to post that...;-)

Best regards,

Bill Buck

P.S. If you are a Game Developer and are interested in joining the GameTeam send an introductory email to Thanks!


Tiistaina, 4. maaliskuuta, 2003 - klo 22.19:   
7/7 Genesi is looking for Games
bbrv (04-Mar-2003, 20:29:02) - [ Answer | Singleview ]

It is here:

...and Felix Schwarz has agreed to serve as the Chairman!

Get subscribed!

Best regards,

Raquel and Bill


Keskiviikkona, 5. maaliskuuta, 2003 - klo 11.03:   
...and that is not all:

Announcement concerning the Genesi/Phoenix collaboration (from MorphOS-News):

We are very pleased how with how the Phoenix/Genesi relationship is developing. Genesi is in the process of formally organizing itself into two distinct activities:

1. One to support the task oriented objectives focused on the delivery of the DTV STB by the end of 2003.

During the month of March Genesi will transition existing consulting/employment agreements to the new structure. A list of well known Developers in the "Community" will be joining Genesi. These individuals will be almost exclusively focused on the DTV STB project.

2. The Future of the Pegasos and MorphOS, including the release of the Pegasos II using the Marvell northbridge.

The difficulties with the Articia have delayed the Pegasos long enough. The Pegasos II development has begun and WILL be completed sooner than expected.

Genesi will operate from offices in Luxembourg, France, and Germany with a branch office in Switzerland. "Virtual" offices will also operate in the USA and the UK. An extensive Internet sales and support infrastructure is being implemented.

Genesi and Phoenix are seeking collaborators in nearly every area. Here is a full list of Phoenix mailing lists that are now devoted to Genesi development: - general discussion and internal announcements - newsfeed to broadcast announcements to outside news sites and forums - Open Source community with an emphasis on porting and supporting Open Source work

These are moderated by greenboy and open to all interested parties who meet Phoenix's expanded definition of DEVELOPER: coders, web designers and publishers, financiers, beta testers, translators, arts and media specialists, etc.

Then: - applications (Chairman: Felix Schwarz) - demo scene (Chairman: Mikko Virtanen) - games for DTV STB (Chairman: Thomas Steiding) - distributors/resellers (Chairman: Adam Carano) - Phoenix website design and maintenance (Webmaster: Gary Cunningham-Lee, Admin: greenboy, with support from Genesi WebDev Team Leader Damien McKenna)

Lists we are considering: - games for Pegasos on the desktop - should Rebol be part of the platform? - to ramp up what Nicholas Blachford's MORloud started. Note: Genesi has licensed ProStation Audio for MorphOS from Maurizio Ciccione of AudioLabs. ProStation Audio will be bundled with the OS. - from here the videomicrowave will take off. It begins with MediaPoint, and scales into a special IOSPIRIT offering - along with many other goodies being planned and soon to come.

Things ARE happening...

Be part of it!

Best regards,

Raquel and Bill


Keskiviikkona, 5. maaliskuuta, 2003 - klo 11.25:   
Kohdassa 2 mainitaan Pegasos II:ssa käytettävä Marvell northbridge.

Ei paha. :)


Keskiviikkona, 5. maaliskuuta, 2003 - klo 12.57:   
En tuosta teknobablesta oikein saa selvää niin mikäs tuosta Marvelista tekee "Ei paha":n :)


Keskiviikkona, 5. maaliskuuta, 2003 - klo 13.13:   
Siitä tulee "tosi paha" siinä vaiheessa jos A1 jää junnaamaan ArtisiaS tasolle... :P


Keskiviikkona, 5. maaliskuuta, 2003 - klo 16.31:   
Vaan onko Marvell vailla AGP:tä?

Tyhmä kysymys: Mikä on PCI-X?


Keskiviikkona, 5. maaliskuuta, 2003 - klo 17.10:   
AGP:tä ei ole siinä suoraan, mutta se tullaan puukottamaan siihen jollain keinolla. Mä on ole oikeen raudan asiantuntija... Tästä tulee varmaan virallista tietoa jossain vaiheessa.

PCI-X on uudistettu PCI standardi: PCI-X 2.0 Overview


Keskiviikkona, 5. maaliskuuta, 2003 - klo 17.13:   
Janne: ainakin julkisen tiedon mukaan siitä puuttuu AGP ...

PCI-X ja AGP jatkot tänne, jos sopii.


Keskiviikkona, 5. maaliskuuta, 2003 - klo 17.15:   
Eli sit Pegasoksessa on kuitenki joku August tai September piiri, (vertaa April) :)


Keskiviikkona, 5. maaliskuuta, 2003 - klo 18.33:   
Custom chips! Woohoo :)


Torstaina, 6. maaliskuuta, 2003 - klo 7.48:   
:) jees olis redhousenkin pitänyt älytä nimetä fix-piirinsä. Vaikkapa April-jr tms. :)


Torstaina, 6. maaliskuuta, 2003 - klo 9.50:   
Subject : Re: It was VisCorp!
Posted : 2003/3/6 1:03
Good Day! Yes, we remember VisCorp very well. You can read about our experience as part of VisCorp here.

The Digital Terrestrial Television requirements of Europe are different than in North America. In the States there are many competing influences: cable operators, regional Bell Operating Companies, Satellite Television providers and other big media companies like Time Warner and Cox Communications that have diverse media resources. Setting a standard in this environment is a challange, particularly when local broadcasters were originally given the franchise to carry the DTV signal!

In Europe, there have been successes and failures. If we just focus on one success, we may see a hint of what the future will bring. BSkyB in the UK has "given" to their subscribers hundreds of thousands of STBs to receiver a DTV signal (at this point we will not differentiate between satellite and terrestrial). Their model works: sports and movies. In the meanwhile, Free-to-View, in the UK is working too. BSkyB after enormous expenditure will have huge operating profits this year. Is the picture clearer?

Now, do something inexpensive with a 403 PPC and a DTV tuner with MorphOS (in this case) and you could have something quite special that can handle anything as well as everything retailing for 400-500 Euros at less that 25% of the cost. Sounds like something another BSkyB-like company might take a risk with? Yes, you bet!

Everything we learned before collectively (VisCorp, PhaseV, bplan, Thendic, etc.) is coming to play today in Genesi for a very large company that wants to do *exactly* that.

More later...stay tuned!

Best regards,

Raquel and Bill


Perjantaina, 7. maaliskuuta, 2003 - klo 15.46:   
Hi amigacooke, thanks for the discussion. The demise of ITV in the UK certainly contributed to the success of BSkyB. ITV paid too much for the football rights and their smart card system was hacked. The business model was bloated from the start and then easily eroded creating a no-win situation -- except for the competition. Speaking of which there is a good article about Murdoch here. BSkyB had fertile ground to make their approach and excellent execution (check out those year end profits ). BTW, This article should also be read by others who may be underestimating this DTV STB market at the price point we are delivering hardware to it (contrast that for example with the super STB from Pace at 350 £!).

Just to carry this discussion a bit farther, we are not targeting the UK. Our customer is based in continental Europe and has a pricing strategy that tells us they understand the market and their customers. We will not be posting that information. Nevertheless, to continue with an example from BSkyB (please correct if necessary) -- adult channels cost a whopping £5 per night, while sports are on different channels for which you must pay separately (Sky sports 1, 2 and 3). On the smart cards side, BSkyB collects data via a modem (very big brother we think) and apparently logs all web pages you visit and records all outgoing emails and stores them in a secret file which is *very* well hidden. As far as we can tell, the BSkyB boxes in the UK are completely non-standard. They use WAP which may sound off the wall given it's designed for mobile phones but being designed for low end systems with low bandwidth makes it perfect for STBs. There's a lot of technology available now that supports WAP development. We actually will have a WAP stack/Browser ready.

Remember, we will not integrate the uplink initially to reduce cost (we will have a WAP portal for people to use mobile phones as an unlink though and a handy little connector to support that process). We have a phased modular strategy that adds functionality akin to the base station of a radio/remote phone designed normally for home use. The receiver chip for the radio signal will have been already introduced in the STB (as is found in the home handset associated with the base station that anchors the system in the home with power and telephone line connection -- incidentally overcoming the no telephone connection near the TV problem). On the smart card side, we will use them to unscramble parts of the signal already there. This can be done on a subscriber or pre-paid basis (for anonymity or one game at a time). The signal itself can *also* be data driven to individually addressable STBs. Here smart cards can be further used as recording devices. In our case viewing data can be exchanged for movie credits... Of course, this flexibility can be promotion/advertising oriented too...

Finally, legion, take at look at the Genesi website (please forgive the missing UK flag reference -- just noticed that problem with our "English" reference ). You will find plenty of innovation there hidden behind those products. We have hinted at many things before and if you take a further look you can see a strategy evident.

We are overwhelmed this week by events that have nothing to do with Genesi. This will probably be the only post until next week. Nevertheless, we tried to be as informative as possible because we truly appreciate the discussion.

Best regards,

Raquel and Bill


Sunnuntaina, 9. maaliskuuta, 2003 - klo 20.23:

Dear Friends, the "Kommunity" reference has more to do with a mentality to blindly follow a direction without question. Within a true "Community" of people *of course* there are differences. There *can* be different hardware, there can be different operating systems, and there should be different opinions about many things. Let us not forget we are human, computers are not. If we can share our differences intelligently with mutual respect for the dignity of others all these threads will improve in their usefulness.

We think there is far to much unnecessary "flaming" on all the sites. We have been a part of it. We responded at the level of the opposition. We have never been intimidated by any of it and we simply will not allow falsehoods and malicious personal attacks to remain unanswered. What will stand in truth and fact in the future will be the action and the results developed by all involved. If your looking for "measure" we are ready for judgment. We can discuss any thing, because we genuinely seek to be the best we can at all we do. Tell us what you think, explain why and most of all put it in a thoughtful context. In other words, if we know who you are and what your experience and background is, it will be easier for us to appreciate your ideas. We are extremely grateful for the email exchanges we have with many of you (though sometimes we cannot answer as fast as we would like!).

If your looking for a fight and you are bent on insults and personal attacks, just take it somewhere else. We do not have time for this any more.

The "thread wars" are over. We need to work. Our future is on the road ahead. We can see where we are going and know how to get there.


Raquel and Bill


Sunnuntaina, 9. maaliskuuta, 2003 - klo 20.25:   
@Alkemyst employed by Genesi NOT

Alkemyst, we tried to work out a suitable agreement for both parties many, many times -- all directly and all privately. In fact, we are still trying...

Please point me to where we have criticized OS4?

As for the Teron/A1, we predicted the problems there months ago. It seems the "news" is just getting out...

Best regards,

Raquel and Bill


Sunnuntaina, 9. maaliskuuta, 2003 - klo 20.39:   
Good Morning...just had the chance to catch up on this thread. The issue was NEVER G3 vs. G4. The issue was application oriented performance -- what you could do and how well you could do it. Processing speeds as an end in themselves can only find amusement with a crowd of integrated circuit engineers. Detrackers and malcontents have twisted the original post to mean something different than what was stated. Strobe's post just above is in the proper vein for a "real" discussion that begins with system performance while really "doing" something. :-) Gunne too has posted well here.

Please read our original comment again and if you are so inclined, please feel free to continue this discussion by email with us if you so desire.

Thanks and best regards,

Raquel Velasco and Bill Buck


Sunnuntaina, 9. maaliskuuta, 2003 - klo 20.41:   
Hi Mr. Anonymous #146,

Thanks for posting that. It means EXACTLY what is written and if you read it again you will understand that everything we have posted is in agreement with the quoted passage.

If you still do not understand send us an email and we will try to explain it to you in another way.

Best regards,
Raquel and Bill


Sunnuntaina, 9. maaliskuuta, 2003 - klo 20.43: nice Kay.

Yes, we will have a CD-bootable MorphOS for Apple owners (2004). But, we will not be selling the OS. We will selling the online game and it will run from the CD without reconfiguring the hard drive of the host computer. Do you know the story of the Trojan Horse?

Hey, we thought we should post here...we were mentioned!


OK Kay, so be *fair* about reviewing this idea...

The Trojan Horse: a new game for Apple Computer Owners

The Trojan Horse was an instrument of war used by the Greeks to gain access to the city of Troy. Greek myth states that the conflict which started the war took place at the wedding feast of King Peleus (king of Pthia), and Thetis (the goddess of the sea). All gods and goddesses were invited except for one. Eris, the goddess of Discord was outraged because she was the only divine being not invited. Eris threw a golden *apple* into the midst of the party. The words "To the most beautiful" were inscribed on the apple. Naturally, more than one goddess claimed the apple. Hera, Athena and Aphrodite each wanted the apple. Then the problems started. A man named named Paris was to be the judge of who was the most beautiful.

Editors Note: we stop the story here to explain what until today was an unknown element of the myth. There was a fourth goddess...Morphina!

Back to the story...

Paris was the son of Priam, who was the king of Troy. The goddesses tempted him with many gifts such as power and love, but he picked Aphrodite as the most beautiful (His gift from Aphrodite was the most beautiful, mortal woman in the world). At this time Helen of Troy was the most beautiful woman in the world, but she was married to King Menelaus of Sparta. Aphrodite put a spell on Helen so that she would go with Paris. Paris would have the Queen of Troy to himself, and Aphrodite's obligation to give the most beautiful woman would be fulfilled.

Editors Note #2: Actually, in our version of the game the question is not whether or not she goes with Paris. The question becomes whether or not the winner COMES to know, where we have an office!

OK, back to the story again...

When Paris came to visit, Helen left with him to return to Troy.

Enraged, the Greek king launched a fleet of one thousand ships to go to Troy and retrieve Helen. Helen's was "the face that launched a thousand ships."

(I personally would have picked Raquel, but that is another story. )

Many main characters of the Greek epics and myths were involved in the siege of Troy. Achilles and Odysseus were only a couple (there was also Ralph, Gerald, Thomas, Frank, Thierry, Nicolas, Bertrand, Sebastien, Nicholas and even Rakesh and Sharwin just to name a few!).

For ten years, the Greeks had lain siege to the city of Troy without success of getting into the city, or with getting Helen back. The layout and build of the city walls made the ancient metropolis impenetrable. After Achilles left the war, the Greeks' progress slowed to almost a dead stop. Troy was not going to be taken by sheer numbers.

The Trojans, led by Hector, began to repel the Greeks.

Eventually the Greeks were driven back to their own ships. Achilles rejoined the battle, and killed Hector to avenge a good friend's death. Greek morale shot through the roof!

The Greeks needed a war machine (sort of like a new platform so to speak). The siege machines of the time weren't getting the Greeks anywhere. They needed something new. So the Greeks devised a plan and put it to work.

The Greeks built a giant, wooden horse with a hollow belly. A handful of armed Greeks climbed into the hollow opening, and sealed it up. Meanwhile, the rest of the Greek army piled into their ships and sailed away. Due to a convincing Greek spy (we are thinking of hiring Jobs after Gates fires him ), the Trojans came out of Troy to receive the huge horse as an offering of peace (for the game you understand this is a CD, right? ). The Trojans rejoiced at the thought of the Greek army running away like dogs.

The Trojans then decided to celebrate. By nightfall the whole city was in a drunken uproar (sounds like Comdex 2004!). They celebrated far into the night. In the small hours of the morning, while everyone was drunk or asleep, the Greeks unsealed the belly of the horse, and climbed down from it. Silently, they killed the Trojan sentries at all the city gates. The GATES were then opened to the bulk of the Greek army. In their drunkenness, the Trojans did not see the Greek fleet return to their shores. (Thanks Mr. Gates!)

Morals from the Story:

The bigger they are the harder they fall!

Things to do:

We need to hire Alkis Tsapanidis to build up our Greek influence. We already have Takis Tsiricos on the team.

Best Game Play Result:

The beautiful Morphina becomes an "amiga" to all and is ultimately awarded the Apple!

Final Note: OK, enough goofing off!!! Back to work!

Have a happy Sunday!

Just Bill

Quoted liberally from the Joshua D. webpage


Maanantaina, 10. maaliskuuta, 2003 - klo 14.31:   
Ben Hermans/Hyperion on 10-Mar-2003 10:39:18
In reply to Comment 67 (Christian Kemp):
I fear that getting a degree is not sufficient in itself.

We've seen CEO's of companies post personal details here of people whose opinions were not to his liking, publically admit to doing background searches into employment records of competitors and post confidential e-mails with the confidentiality footer still attached.

No wonder that some users (on either side of the debate) get the impression that "anything goes".

You reap what you sow.

I'll freely admit to losing my temper on occassion which resulted in some unfortunate wording but there are limits that I will not cross.

bbrv on 10-Mar-2003 11:04:29
In reply to Comment 70 (Ben Hermans/Hyperion):

Yes Ben, you are exactly right: "you reap what you sow."

We will add another one for you: people who live in glass houses should not throw stones.

Ben, why don't you climb down from your high horse and just worry about yourself and your projects. You might find success more easily this way. You will need all the help you can get now.

From this day forward you are on your own. Do your best. We will not have anything to say about you, your Company, or your project. You stick to your work and we will stick to ours. One day if you need help give us a call. This offer also stands for anyone working on your project. We would be pleased to be working with many of them.

Sincerely and best wishes,

One of the "CEOs"

Ben Hermans/Hyperion on 10-Mar-2003 11:27:29
In reply to Comment 75 (bbrv):
Thanks Bill.

Sounds like a good plan.

See you in September for the release of the Pegasos 2.


Maanantaina, 10. maaliskuuta, 2003 - klo 14.37:   
Olisikohan nuo tosissaan.. No, se olisi ainakin ihan hyvä alku asioiden rauhoittumiselle jos kumpikin onnistuisi ottamaan hieman etäisyyttä :)


Maanantaina, 10. maaliskuuta, 2003 - klo 15.00:   
1) yhteistyö
2) tappelu & toistensa haukkuminen & toistensa työn häiritseminen
3) rehellinen kilpailu
4) täydellinen toisistaan piittaamattomuus

Tiiä sitten yrittäisivätkö päästä moodiin 4, käymättä moodin 3 kautta. 1 ja 3 olisivat terveiden ja kypsien ammattilaisten touhuja, 2 ja 4 osoittavat jonkinlaista kykenemättömyyttä yms.


Torstaina, 13. maaliskuuta, 2003 - klo 8.38:   
Näilläkin foorumeilla mainittu terrasoft-genesi-mai debatti on jatkunut mm morphosnews:ssä:


Torstaina, 13. maaliskuuta, 2003 - klo 12.44:   
By Raquel and Bill (IP: 217.109.162.---) - Posted on 2003-03-12 09:00:28

We are taking this one step at a time and the Pegasos *is* proving to be a reliable platform. The Operating Systems we now have running on the Pegasos are MorphOS, Debian, SuSE, Gentoo, OpenBSD, OSX and MacOS9+ (through Mac-on-Linux). The last distro of Mandrake works too, although we are not sure where this will lead. The OpenFirmware of the Pegasos enables compatibility across a the spectrum of possibilities in the PPC environment.

We have sold out of our most recent production of 400 units. We sold these through dealers (see the "Pegasos Network" at morphos-news linked above), user groups (for example in Australia --, and the Internet at That URL is a bit deceptive as 90% of the units sold online will be going to destinations outside the United States (13 in Finland).
lue loput "paikan päällä"


Torstaina, 13. maaliskuuta, 2003 - klo 18.59:   
Hauskaa että Suomi mainittiin. :-)

Tänne tulee suhteessa aika paljon?


Perjantaina, 14. maaliskuuta, 2003 - klo 17.03:   
Sitä tikulla silmään joka vanhoja muistelee, mutta...
Mitäs tämä "Our sales commitments for the first 1000 Pegasos went 817 to Linux and the rest to this community (less two for OpenBSD and two for OpenBeOS)." loppujen lopuksi tarkoitti?

"Sales commitments went..." siis onko nuo 817 emoa mennyt Linux käyttäjille vai oliko tuo joku TarraSoft ennakkotilaus vai vai...

Moinen on alkujaan sanottu


Perjantaina, 14. maaliskuuta, 2003 - klo 17.26:   
Ei kannata aina uskoa mitä uncle Bill suustaan syöksee. Joskus innokkuus menee faktojen edelle :-)


Perjantaina, 14. maaliskuuta, 2003 - klo 19.48:   
Siitä päätellen miltä tuo näyttää on todennäköistä että 800 oli varattu toimitettavaiksi Terrasoftille. Ilmeisesti Genesillä tajusivat onneksi aika pian ettei sitä ilman fixiä olevaa Articiaa kannattanut laittaa laajaan myyntiin.

No, ehkä joku joskus kirjoittaa kirjan jossa kaikki tämä selviää kaaviokuvien kanssa että pysyy kärryllä mitä on milloinkin tapahtunut :)


Anu Seilonen
Keskiviikkona, 19. maaliskuuta, 2003 - klo 16.20:   
Jatketaanpa taas uudessa ketjussa. -Thoriel