AmigaOS 4 developer pre-release asenn...

Saku-foorumi » Uusi sukupolvi: AmigaOS 4 » Yleinen keskustelu » Viestit 2004 » Viestit 06/2004 asti » AmigaOS 4 developer pre-release asennusohje « Edellinen Seuraava »

Kirjoittaja Viesti

Tiistaina, 13. huhtikuuta, 2004 - klo 12.26:   
OS4:n pre-releasen julkasu alkaa varmaan olla aika lähellä, koska nyt sivuilla on OS4:n asennusohje.


Tiistaina, 13. huhtikuuta, 2004 - klo 12.29:   
ANN:n threadista:

"In Reply to Comment 26 (Graham_nli):
> I guess that the things done by UBoot command line are things that haven't had
> a menu option made for them yet.

Actually, these are to "overcome" default settings of U-Boot. They are one-time setups that you can save afterwards. On a reboot, you get a progress bar where you can pres any key to get into the menu, or do nothing to continue booting.

They aren't strictly part of the installation procedure, and chances are that people have already set them up when they installed Linux, but it is better not to assume anything when you are explaining a ground-up install."


Tiistaina, 13. huhtikuuta, 2004 - klo 12.30:   
"This is a one-time setup you are doing. Normally, you can use the U-Boot menu, but most of the older machines are not set up to correctly yet. Future machines will be preset for that, but the whole Earlybird program *was* directed at developers."


Tiistaina, 13. huhtikuuta, 2004 - klo 13.21:   
Juu aletaan olla lähellä :) Hans-Joerg Frieden näköjään sano toissapäivänä näin:

"What do you expect? Our current deadline for the CD is tuesday. Things look good, and I am certain that this will work out. BUT, what if it doesn't? We'll get a bunch of postings accusing us of broken promises etc. Therefore, no release dates anymore. If things go well, the CD will be at the reproduction plant on middle next week.

I'm afraid that this is all I can say."

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