Hakkeri iski Lemon Amiga -foorumille

Saku-foorumi » Yleinen keskustelu » Viestit 2020 » Hakkeri iski Lemon Amiga -foorumille « Edellinen Seuraava »

Kirjoittaja Viesti

Käyttäjätunnus: sundwn

Rekisteröity: 6-2015
Perjantaina, 21. elokuuta, 2020 - klo 19.05:   
Lemonamiga.com-foorumeilla oli muutaman päivän ajan ilmeisesti melkoinen riehuminen käynnissä, kun joku hakkeri oli päässyt käsiksi useaan käyttäjätiliin ja spammaili ympäriinsä. Pelättiin että koko serveri olisi vaarantunut ja foorumit pitäisi ajaa alas, mutta viimeisimmän tiedon mukaan kyse oli onneksi hieman pienemmästä pahasta:

"Day 2 - Update
What a curfuffle! You will be glad to know we finally got to the bottom of this case. It seems this was a brute force attack on weak passwords "only". The server was not compromised. The good news is we have Kim Lemon back and looking in to this, and he is working with tech supremo TNT to come up with solutions. I have full faith in them.

Apparently, many of these weak accounts had passwords the same as their user name. So it was not hard to open up the door. Other weak passwords included: "passsword", "123456", "pa55w0rd" etc.

TNT says:
"I think this could be a good time to remind people to NOT USE short or dictionary passwords, to NOT USE same password in multiple places, TO PRETTY PLEASE USE a password manager and MAYBE CHECK whether their password has already been added to brute force lists. The last one can be done with https://haveibeenpwned.com/Passwords.

Also, Lemon Amiga *can* be accessed with HTTPS already. Some links are likely to drop you back to HTTP, but if one accesses the forum via HTTPS all forum links should be HTTPS."


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